Sunday Reflections- Trinity Sunday

Today is Trinity Sunday and we had an amazing trio of musicians lead us in some super worship music, everything from the traditional hymn “Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty”, to “Vapor”, both radically different yet equally uplifting, especially when accompanied by piano, percussion and strings!

    Since this is a holiday weekend, it was hard to gauge just how many families with children would be at church but I went ahead and prepared for a no-bake cookie-making session, that would be flexible for any size group. As it turned out there were only two children in my group plus one in the under-fives so we had our story time together and then we tiptoed down to the kitchen with much giggling!
   Nick will be in the UK on the first Sunday of June so today we also celebrated the Eucharist. Despite a small Gathering there was a very real air of celebration, perfect for a Feast Day. The children enjoyed making and serving the cookies although each of them had to wash their hands at last 6 times due to attempts at finger licking while we were scooping out mounds of chocolate-covered cocoa crisps!

After the Gathering I scarfed down my tuna sandwich and a pear and then cycled home in perfect mild & sunny late spring weather. Then it was a quick whiffle round the garden and a “Wil walk” before settling down to finish some hand-sewing on a birthday gift for Jessica. Since she will be here working with me tomorrow I would like to present it to her even though her birthday is not for another week. For all those Canadians who have been slogging through a long winter, this weekend is also a celebration as people head outside to plant their gardens and open up summer cottages. What a special joy it is to share in a festal time at church as well as to revel in the glorious sunshine.

God’s blessings are very tangible and abundant this day 😊.
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