Crosstalk Ministries has been facilitating Day Camp programs for children ages 4-12 across Canada for more than 40 years. Children in these communities spend a week learning about God and God’s place in their lives through music, games, audio-visuals, crafts, and other activities. Day Camps are held in many communities each summer, across Canada and beyond, reaching hundreds of children annually.
Lives are changed as campers and leaders come to know Jesus and experience God’s love.
Please visit the pages above or click here for more information on hosting a Day Camp, or for general information about Crosstalk Ministries. For current information on the Day Camps community, our blog is updated weekly.
We’re happy to launch our Come Together e-Book. Come Together contains all the resource materials necessary for churches and communities who would like to offer all-age worship gatherings throughout the Church Year. Included for each Gathering is an introduction, running order and a large resource section filled with video and audio links, activities, recipes and more. A short overview of the book is available for viewing. The full Come Together e-book has close to 100 pages filled with ideas for vibrant worship experiences in which the whole church family can participate.