Well the big day has arrived, (actually it is tomorrow but since I’ll be a weensy bit busy I’m starting to write this post today!)
We now have 12 Team Members, which although quite miraculous is still not enough to create 6 Teams since one of the Teams going out West absolutely needs 3 people. A decision was made earlier in the week to send a 2-person Team to Alberta, instead of the 3-person we had aimed for but even so, unless at least 2 more people sign up during the coming week we shall have to cancel 4 Day Camps, a heart-breaking decision but one person cannot possible Lead those Camps, especially if any of them are in churches new to our Program. And so we wait and PRAY! Meanwhile frantically running around putting finishing touches on various parts of the program-AV materials, craft supplies etc.
As I write I am waiting for the arrival of Brenda, one of our Training Team Leaders. She is coming by train from Toronto and will spend the night here so this afternoon we are going over to Isaiah 40 to set up the Hall for tomorrow and to do some advance prep for the lunch. I will not be back home until late afternoon tomorrow and am not sure how much more will get added to this post so I’m randomly adding a recipe here and hope that you will also find a “coda” section all about Team Training Day”! On a hot night this week I made these for dinner and they were super easy and just right for a Summer meal on the porch.
Pear Crostini

- ¼ cup toasted almonds
- 3 large pears, slightly under ripe
- 2 tsps. lemon juice
- 2 tsps. sugar
- 5 Tbsps. olive oil
- 1 clove garlic
- Salt and pepper
- 8 oz. soft goat cheese
- 4 large slices nine-grain bread
- Italian parsley leaves to garnish
In the bowl of a food processor place the almonds, garlic, 4 Tbsps. olive oil, a pinch of salt and pepper and grind to a wet paste. Spread the paste on the bread slices and broil until lightly coloured. Slice the pears vertically in thick slices, remove the cores, sprinkle with sugar and the last Tbsp. of olive oil and broil until soft and golden. Lay the pear slices on top of the toasted bread and top with thick slices of goat cheese. Run under the broiler again until cheese melts and bubbles. Serve immediately. Serves 2.

Team Training Day Coda…
Here we are in the middle of Team Training Day. I am now sitting surrounded by an eager group of Team Members, Committee Members, my dog Wil, and the general chaos of the Day Camp world!
After a welcome prayer, songs and scripture we had an overview of the Team Members Planning Guide, a foundational document giving the philosophy behind the Program, jumped right into a re-enactment of the Main Presentation (the first 45 minute segment of a Day Camp Day) and then had a quick overview of the other components making up a typical Daily Schedule.
After a question period we broke for lunch, which my helpers and I quickly set up on the big table in the meeting Hall. Next everyone divided up into the three Training Teams and had short “get to know you” meetings. Lastly, before closing worship and the Commissioning of the 3 Training Team Leaders there was a short information session about good billeting etiquette and other notices. Randy and Janice led the Closing and I did the Commissioning since our CTM President was not able to be present.
And now it is once more calm and quiet as the three Teams were picked up and have departed, Jessica and I did the final clean up and now Wil and I are headed out for another walk and a bit of grocery shopping, before returning home to whiffle round the garden and prepare dinner. Afterwards I will tackle the latest collection of emails and get a bit more office work done before crashing for the night.
More news, tomorrow, on how the 3 Training Camps are doing!