Today it is muggy with a chance of thunderstorms so I decided it would be prudent to bus to church and then walk home instead of risking a soaking on my bike!
The day began with the usual wake up call from Cousin Ron in the UK and, after all my chores and the Wil walk I checked the email only to discover that a young man coming for Team from the UK has had to back out due to a lack of funds. This is certainly quite the rollercoaster ride! Yesterday afternoon I heard of the possibility of 18 yearold twins coming from Ontario but no news yet from them.
And so to church.
With the start of summer combined with Fathers’ Day, there were not a lot of children and I ended up with my helper, John and 6 year old Seren. She is quite the character so we had a good time reading Mark 4:35-41 and then folding brown paper origami boats and populating them with pipe cleaner disciples and Jesus. The Sermon seemed to be pretty long so Seren made two extra boats one for her older brother (home sick today) and one for her younger brother (my Godson Tighe), whose birthday is tomorrow. Today’s Gospel passage offers tremendous consolation as it assures us that, if Jesus is with us we are never alone and are equipped to face life’s storms because He is right here “in the boat” with us. As Seren sagely remarked “we can talk with him in prayer”! Oh yes! Lot’s of prayer!!
After the Service I gave Tighe his birthday crown and he put it on straight away and seemed pretty happy with it. The children’s Mum, Pippa, offered me a ride home so I was back in good time and able to wiffle around in the garden, as it still hasn’t rained.
I’m trying to take time away from the stress of “Team-making” today, but it is hard not to keep checking the emails and adding more notes to all the interminable lists.
So, for now, I will walk Wil and share all my stresses with the One who is “in the boat “with me!