Today there is only time for a very short post. We had an unexpected winter storm descend upon us overnight so making my rounds for cat feeding was a bit tricky as was bussing to church this morning.
It was unfortunate the storm had hit but despite the weather there was a good sized congregation to greet our visiting Preacher and his family and since he also brought a group from the Church Plant, which he is spearheading, nearly every seat was taken. The children especially enjoyed all their activities and it is always great to have small visitors to share in our snack and story, our crafts and discussions. I just love listening to their comments and questions as we assemble the felt board story and never fail to come away with a fresh insight into well-known scripture passages.
Today we focused on the Parable of the Fig Tree and all made some quite attractive miniature trees in flowerpots, using real branches and paper figs. We all taste-dried figs and I was surprised that\ these were quite a hit!

Due to a longer than usual discussion time we were quite late finishing so it was a real blessing when Tanya offered me a lift home.The plan for the afternoon had been to focus on the first phase of “Changing the Decorations” but before indoor work there had to be a considerable amount of shovelling! Next there was the Wil walk and soon there will be another trip out for more cat feeding. In between I have managed to open the barrel containing spring linens, to shift the winter linens down to their barrel and to exchange seasonal cookbooks so I guess a small start has been made.
Tomorrow there will be a real push forward but the day will need to begin with some office work and yet more shovelling, as it does not seem to be letting up yet! Winter is a long haul in this part of the world and it certainly can get discouraging; however, seeing the fresh spring linens and the pops of bright colours is truly uplifting and brings a surge of hope.
Wil and Mandu are resigned to a couple of days of upheaval and have taken up their usual positions on comfy pieces of furniture to watch me, inexplicably taking the house apart!