My goodness yesterday was a VERY long and unusual Sunday for me!
It began with a 545am wake up, hurried chores, and yes, a phone call from Cousin Ron in the UK, and a long walk with Wil. All of which was completed in time to be waiting in the front porch for Alexander who arrived, promptly at 8am. After a sad good-bye to Wil we were on our way to Ottawa and once we hit the highway I broke out the thermos of coffee and fresh cranberry muffins. Soon I was industriously knitting as we chatted about a wide variety of topics. We arrived in good time and found parking not far away. It was COLD but having worn several layers I was fairly cosy as we walked to the church. Some of our party was already seated and we joined them but soon the Rector came along and told us the font was at the back of the church so we migrated to those pews. St. Barnabas is Anglo-Catholic, sort of the opposite extreme of Anglicanism from St. Stephen’s but having grown up at St. Matthew’s, which I would designate as being “in the middle” I was quite comfortable with the Liturgy (except for the incense!) and there was a lovely choir and hymns out of the old Blue Hymn Book, all of which was most uplifting.
I was privileged to hold baby Andrew for the Christening Ceremony, only relinquishing him to Canon Murray for the actual baptism. He didn’t cry at all! Yay Andrew! After the prerequisite Coffee Hour, we drove to a parking garage near the hotel where the luncheon was to be served. Knowing my quirkiness the Huyers were cool with my bringing my own packed lunch and there was a lovely seating area, with a beautiful view of the river, just outside the private lunchroom so I settled there with lunch and knitting. I kept checking my phone because Natalie’s husband (also an Andrew!) had agreed to come and visit with Wil and give him a good walk during the afternoon. As I sat knitting my other two Godsons joined me running around happily able to work off some steam. Soon baby Andrew was also brought out, fast asleep, and settled peacefully next to me on the sofa. Eventually the lunch party ended, we said our good-byes, returned to the car and began the journey home. Just as we left Ottawa by phone “bing-ed” and there was a message from Andrew to say that his time with Wil had gone well. He even sent a photo of Wil sleeping in a chair after a long run!
At 6pm. Alexander dropped me at the front doorfor a happy reunion with my furries! It was a long day, somewhat out of my comfort zone, but the Huyers were so kind in expressing their pleasure to have me there, I knew it was right making the effort to attend. Being a Godmother is a huge privilege and a huge responsibility, not lightly undertaken and I take my duties very seriously. Thankfully Victoria and Timothy both care very much about nurturing their boys in Faith, which makes my task easier, but I am committed to playing a significant role in guiding them on their life journeys and in supporting them and encouraging them daily, through prayer and through all the special times we share.
It is such a blessing to be part of their young lives!!