Postcards from Week 2

This afternoon I’m hunkered down in a raging thunderstorm praying the power does not go off and baking like a maniac in preparation for the Junior & Senior Youth Camp Pre-Camp, coming up in (EEK!) just three weeks and for which I’m doing the cooking. Normally it is just SYC Staff Training but with the restart of JYC it was suggested the two staffs train together. This is a great idea except that it is going to be mega squishy fitting everyone into Isaiah 40 and the logistics of food cooking, serving and eating for approx. 50 people are mind-boggling. But enough of these woes let me share with you some snapshots of Week 2…
Team 1
Team 1- spent this week at Canadian Forces Base Richelieu, south of Montreal. This was their first experience of adapting to a bilingual program and they were blessed to have Anna (creator of the Day Camp Slideshows) as part of their support network. It was also a small Camp, running from early morning until late lunch, in order to accommodate some families whose children were registered at another Camp on the base, providing full time Day-care. With Anna’s adaptations to these special needs, things ran pretty smoothly and it seems the Campers had a great time! Anna also sent me a mid-week email report writing that :-
“Just thought I’d report that from our perspective the camp is going very well, and we’re enjoying having Patrisha and Missy staying with us. The campers seem happy and are getting along well. It’s mostly scramblers this year, but our older kids are very patient with them (they are all older siblings anyway), and we have been integrating all the campers for most activities. “
Team 2- was also on a Base, this one at CFB Borden, north of Toronto Reports from the Team were that they too had to adapt the Program, but this time due to record breaking heat, causing them to curtail outdoor activities, even Water Day; but with approx. 30 Campers, including a huge group of 15 Climbers (ages 6&7) they had a very high energy week and are happily spending this Saturday with their host family on the beach at a nearby lake.
Team 3- although off to another rocky start, ended the week on a much happier note. The week did not begin until Tuesday due to a lack of advance planning on the Reserve however things soon picked up and Wednesday- Friday saw over 25 Campers with even some parents attending the (VERY short!! Closing Service) The Team sounded so excited by end of the week, so pleased to be able to present the full day program to a group of eager children. Rev. Vicki wrote :-
Thank you for all your prayers and support.  Day Star is slow this time around. 
Thank you for Emmanuel, Miriam and Annie. They are beautiful, gifted young people! They are doing a wonderful job. Thank their parents for being so loving and caring and trusting their young people to our care. They can be very proud of their son and daughters! Thank you Lord! Amen Love, prayers and blessings!  Vicki”
Team 4-
Team 4- had an amazing week at Christ the King Edmonton. The facilities were fabulous as they were able to meet in a local Christian school building with one of our legendary Coordinators in
charge and a local Team of keen helpers the week was sure to succeed. Travelling Team member, Kelvin  celebrated his birthday in style and Leader, Gillian texted to say the Closing Service was very well received with many families in attendance and the Campers doing a super job presenting to the congregation several elements of the Creative Connection including the Liturgical Dance, and the “Wedding at Cana” Drama.
Nancy wrote:-
 “The last day, closing service, and supper went well, I thought. Pastor Lars has read through the clergy guide and is impressed with the layout and intentionality of the program from base philosophy to closing service (Yay). 
Good relationships were built in the team (and I think may bring a few youth helpers back into some spiritual interest and growth), as well as in campers, and with families of campers. God is so good.”
Today the Team has flown on to Regina and Gillian phoned to report that they are all settled with Father Michael in the St. Luke’s Rectory enjoying a jam session with guitars, ukuleles and a boron.
Team 5– was at Camp Medley experiencing a Residential Camp week and sharing some parts of our program with the Campers who especially enjoyed learning the Liturgical Dance. We were so grateful for the hospitality shown to the Team during this gap in their itinerary. They have now
arrived I the town of St. George on the border of New Brunswick and the State of Maine and are having a great rest day at a cottage overlooking the ocean (OOO!!! I’m so envious!!)
Team 6-also had an excellent week with the children of James Smith First Nation. They were welcomed into the home of the local coordinator and so had a break from preparing their own meals giving them more time to connect with the whole community (even attending a wake, which is a very important occasion on Reserve). This slightly more conventional week has prepared them for Week 3 when they will be back to living in a teacherage and cooking for themselves.
Team 7– (yes, this was the week when we actually had 7 Teams functioning) was leading a Camp in the suburbs of Montreal at a church that has not used our Program before. Combined with holding the Camp in a rented church hall with very little space and no rooms for smaller groups to meet. Fortunately the Camp had only just over 20 children instead of the predicted 40 so at least squeezing into the small place was more manageable than it might have been. Since none of the local helpers had seen the Program before the first couple of days were very challenging for our 2-person pick up
Team. At least both of them were very experienced, both being current committee members and having Lead Teams many times. If we are invited back next year things should run much more smoothly with local helpers having received some valuable training at this Camp.
And so that just about wraps up Week 2. As mentioned at the start of this post, I’m currently baking for Pre-Camp and have spent much of the week hosting various CTM Meetings, serving gallons of fruit infusion (it’s been pretty hot around here!), and typing up pages of Minutes.

A couple of days there has been time for garden work and even a bit of sewing. Hopefully in the week to come there will also be time to begin preparing my annual “Chicken Awards” since, before we know it, all those Team Leaders will be sitting on the back deck participating in the Team Leaders Evaluation Meeting!

Yesterday for lunch I made a favourite Fried Tofu “BLT”. This sandwich is super simple and makes a great summer treat when tomatoes are so delicious.
  Fried Tofu “BLT”
  • 1 lb. extra-firm tofu, sliced ¼” thick
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 garlic scape and a 1” piece of fresh
    gingerroot, both minced
  • 2 Tbsps. Tamari
  • Mayonnaise or Veganaise
  • Leaf lettuce
  • Heirloom tomatoes
  • Whole-wheat or oatmeal bread.
Heat the oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and ginger and fry about 1 minute, until fragrant. Add the tofu and fry, turning, until lightly browned on both sides. Sprinkle the Tamari evenly over the tofu, shaking the pan to cover both sides of the slices. Continue cooking until well browned and crisp. Meanwhile, slice the bread, spread with mayonnaise and top with lettuce and a thick slice of tomato. Place one or two slices of tofu on each sandwich and serve either open faced or topped with another slice of bread. Serves approx. 4 people. Yum!

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