Wednesday Words

Hello everyone,

Here is our May Wednesday Words Post., squeaking in under the wire on May 31st.
As we enter into Day Camps you might not see one in the next 3 months but this column will be back in the fall.
Today’s post is special (well they are all special, but this is different and special😊) It is actually the text of an email that was sent to me in April after I had written to a number of UK contacts in my search for Team recruits.
I have had permission to publish it because it such an amazing example of what Day Camps is all about- Life changing experiences!

I’m sure you will enjoy it. Of course it made me cry, but then I’m prone to crying, especially in the pre-Day Camps/high stress season!

Welcome the Rev. David Grantham:-

Hi Valerie
Sorry for the slow reply, I have been away on holidays then Easter week was crazy.  Of course I remember you and day camps. 
You never knew but you had such a big impact on my life. I was such a shy young man when I came over to do the camps in 93 and 94. I still had a lot of issues over bullying at school and beyond and very low self esteem. I didn’t have many friends and I was still a young Christian as well. I was not in a great place when I came over. 
Coming to do the camp, making so many friends, it was life changing for me. I don’t exaggerate when I say that those two summers were the high points of my young life and I often think of them fondly.  Thank you for that opportunity. Life changing, literally. 
After day camps I was involved in children and family work for many years before ordination and I used many odd and ends from my time with you to aid in my work. 
I would love to support day camps in any way possible. I will send this form around Jersey, the place I live now and tell them to get in touch. I will add my own story of how amazing a summer it was.( I truly wish I could come and do another camp )
I still feel a call to Canada and maybe, God willing I may end up working in your lovely land. I am a little scared of the prospect with two children but if a church would have us, I think I would take a plunge
If there is any other way I can support your work here, any way at all please do let me know. 
Bless you and your team and all you do.
David Grantham
All Saints Church, Jersey

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