Oh my but this has been a tough week!
I felt myself spiralling down last Sunday evening when a young man whom we had counted on as a Team Leader informed me he would not be applying after all this summer. Then as the week progressed 2 young women also informed me that they are not planning to come on Team. I’ve been wearing out the YouTube track linked in last week’s post trying so hard to keep my eyes on Jesus and to know that our God is totally capable of moving “mountains” if we trust completely in His timing and provision.
After crossing those three names off my list I prayed for a sign that the tide was turning and there was an email this morning with some potentially good news and then, as I ate my lunch, a phone call from Emmanuel to say he would be bringing me his application at 4pm this afternoon! Of course I cried 🙂 but also spent time giving thanks. We are still a long way from being out of the woods but, today, I shall choose to believe that the tide has turned and that the only way to go now is up!
Several years ago when the situation was equally bleak I made the decision to take a “Jericho Walk”, (you can read about it here). The idea came to me from the Mitford Novels when Father Tim does his own Jericho Walk. The author of those novels, Jan Karon, wrote about it in a way that made the concept seem like a powerful prayer statement to me at that time and it resonates with me in the current crisis, so tomorrow afternoon I shall begin again, just the same walk Wil and I took before- a time to pray, to sing and to learn more about trusting and being faithful….
Slight interruption there as I met with Emmanuel and then Skyped with a girl from Ontario who we accepted as a Team Member at our May committee meeting. It is really time to think about cooking dinner but first I’ll recap a few other highlights of the week.
Monday was the Victoria Day “Holiday”. The Huyer family was staying with as Victoria had chaired our CTM Board meeting on Sunday afternoon and was co-chairing a SYC Staff meeting Monday afternoon. When that meeting was over we shared a quick supper and then they left for the cottage where they are staying for 3 weeks.
Tuesday and Wednesday I juggled as many office hours as possible (aka badgering of potential Team Members or badgering potential host communities, as we still need 2 or those was well. Sigh) while also turning the house upside down for the “Changing of the Decorations” to those for Pentecost/Summer.
Thursday included an afternoon looking after 5 year old Owen thus my activities were accompanied by the throwing down the stairs of plastic dinosaurs. He loves that game and it is pretty harmless, unless a T-Rex hits one. That same afternoon included bread baking and cutting out a clergy shirt that I agreed to make for a priest who is celebrating the 25th anniversary of her ordination on Pentecost Sunday.
Today it has finally been sunny after rain most of the week so Wil and I took a very long walk to Westmount to procure some exterior house paint (sadly not available closer to home) and then I spent 2 ½ hours mowing the lawns.
Well my tummy is beginning to growl but before I head inside to start dinner preparations we need a recipe! Last evening I made some delicious Farro Cakes so I thought it would be a good idea to share.
Farro Cakes
- 1 pound shredded zucchini
- 2 cups cooked Farro
- 3 eggs, beaten
- 2 Tbsps. flour
- 2 spring onions, chopped
- 3 Tbsps. chopped cilantro
- 2 cloves minced garlic
- 1 cup bread crumbs
- 2 Tbsps. olive oil
Place the zucchini in a sieve and toss with ½ tsp. salt, leave to drain for 10 minutes and then squeeze out as much excess moisture as possible. Place all the ingredients, except the olive oil, in a large bowl and mix well with your hands. Let rest for 5 minutes and then form into 10 cakes about 3” round and ¾” thick. Heat the olive oil in a cast iron skillet on medium heat. Place half the cakes in the hot pan and sauté for 4 minutes on each side. Drain on a try lined with paper towels while cooking the second batch. I served mine with some oven-roasted tomatoes and a dollop of herbed goat cheese. Yum! Serves 3 or 4