Although I’m making a start on this post quite early before heading out to catch the bus for church it may well be finished quite late since there is an impressive list of food preparation to accomplish this afternoon.
Yes, yes, I know it is the Sabbath however tomorrow is the Day Camp committee Christmas meeting and dinner plus Jillian is coming for lunch to discuss Crossroads and Day Camp matters, so when else will the food prep get done?
The menu is traditional Québecois- Tourtière, Mixed Root Vegetable Coleslaw and an Eggnog Mould with Whipped Cream. It is not a complicated meal to assemble but the mould does need to set overnight and the coleslaw and pastry can both be made a day ahead so tomorrow, while chatting with Jillian, it should be possible to mix the Tourtière filling and get the pie in the oven in time for dinner.
Today is the last Sunday when our small group of “over-fives”will meet together. Despite it only being Advent 3 I’m going to let them arrange the whole Christmas Story on the felt board since they have always really enjoyed all the stories we have illustrated using it. Then for“Gaudete” Sunday we are making fabric “Joy” garlands. I hope they have good memories of these mornings we have spent together and pray they will hold in their hearts some of the great truths we have learned as we studied the Scriptures and shared our thoughts and ideas.
Must be off to get the bus, more later on…….
Well I’m pleased to report that the coleslaw, pastry and Eggnog Mould are all packed away in the fridge, Wil has been walked and soon the new beeswax tapers will be lit on the Advent Wreath.
This morning was hard, very hard. The bus was late, a young girl and I at the stop were on the point of walking down to Sherbrooke to catch another bus when we spotted it in the distance. Pippa and her children were already on board when I joined them and Sue and Matthew got on at the next stop! It was nice riding down together and enjoying the children’s bubbly morning energy.
Once at church I really hustled to get everything set up and had to slip into a chair at the back as the first song was already being played by the time the felt board and other activities were in place. It proved just as well since I found it really hard not to burst into tears as Peter on viola and Paul alternating between piano and guitar, led our opening worship time. Being determined not to break down in public I concentrated on my knitting, as it was impossible to sing a note without losing my composure. Soon we were upstairs passing out the snack, retelling the Christmas Story on the felt board and with the littles packed off to their room, working together on our garlands .The Service time passed very quickly and we were rushing to clear up while the final song was being sung.
As I put my coat on after eating my sandwich Norman and Suzan kindly asked how I was doing, and afraid of telling the truth I whispered a hasty “okay”, thanked them and headed out into the cold.
After a brisk walk home the afternoon has been spent in food prep and Wil walking. I did not realise how attached I had become to this small, oddly assorted and slightly grungy little church until it has been wrenched from my grasp.
Of course that is nearly always the case with a “death” of either a person or a community; not until they are gone, do we ever truly see how vitally important they were in our lives.