About 10 days ago I received an invitation to the baptism of my friends’ three young children.
Since I knew that the “regulars” with little ones at St. Stephen’s would be away this Sunday, I decided to accept! The church my friends belong to is only a short bike ride away and as it was a sunny morning I happily cycled down.
For a number of reasons this is not a church I would join myself however I do know a bunch of people who are members and so was made to feel very welcome as soon as I walked in the door. Slipping into the corner of a pew near the font I was soon joined by the husband of a dear friend. Unfortunately she was out of town this weekend so I missed surprising her with my presence!
The Service was really lovely and it certainly was nice to be in a large congregation who all joined heartily in the liturgy. The music was a pleasant mixture of traditional and modern led by a worship team of keyboard, guitar, vocals and trumpet, the sermon was uplifting and the priest invited all baptised Christians to join in the Eucharist, making us visitors feel very accepted and at home.
After church I was really pleased to connect with one of my former CTM secretaries, Laura, who along with her husband Greg (another Day Camp alumnus) and two young children, has recently moved back to Montreal after 9 years in Vancouver. They have not yet decided on a church home and so were also visiting as well as being friends with the other couple whose toddler was baptised this morning. All in all I was very glad to be there and Sarah was pleased I had come so I knew it was the right decision.
Home again, I’ve just completed a couple of hours of raking, have taken Wil for a long walk and will soon need to think about preparing dinner. As the clocks were turned back last night I notice it is already getting unpleasantly dark well before 5pm, oh dear! Here comes winter!!!

Lastly, just to quickly say that the Coffeehouse, last evening, was most successful, with over 50 people in attendance, good food and fellowship and funds raised to help buy program materials for Day Camps 2017. YAY! Pictures to follow soon 😊