Although the rain has finally stopped I was awakened this morning by a howling wind that made me want to burrow right back under the covers, however, upon checking the time I realised I had better hurry through early chores to be ready for Cousin Ron’s phone call. Sure enough Wil and I had barely got back in the house from his early morning “pit stop” when the phone rang. I got to hear all about the leaves gently falling from the 200 year old elm trees surrounding Cousin Ron’s home in Kent, all the while sipping my coffee and looking out at the flailing limbs of the 100 year old Norway Maples here in Montreal!
The original intention was to throw in the towel and take the bus to church but after hearing the forecast was predicting sunshine by noon I rationalised that there will not be too many more Sundays when there is a choice between cycling or taking the bus so I should tough it out and cycle!
It proved a good decision, although it was hard work cycling into the wind. Once at St. Stephen’s I laid out the simple snack and set up the felt board and other supplies in our “over-fives” room, then headed for the worship room just as our musician started to play the first song.
We had a good group of 6 children this morning, ranging in age from 1-9 years old. Everyone enjoying helping to illustrate our discussion on the felt board and then we said good-bye to the little ones and my group worked on their large illustrated copies of the Apostles Creed. The current Sermon series has got as far as “The Holy Spirit” so I had suggested to Joan that the under-fives make paper doves, which seemed to go over well. I’m hoping my group will begin to be able to memorise the Apostles Creed. As they worked I talked with them about the millions of other Christians who would be reciting it in their churches today and I think the children’s imaginations were sparked by that concept. Well do I remember, as a child at St. Matthew’s, discovering that the number of carved sections on the reredos matched the number of stanzas in the latter part of the Creed. From then on my eyes never failed to follow the carving on each panel as we recited it each Sunday!
It felt good to be with the congregation this morning. As I looked around at each familiar face I wondered how much longer we will gather in this place and what the future holds. A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled for November 9th at which conversations will begin in earnest about the road ahead so today was tinged with poignancy and a shadow of sorrow.
I am praying that whatever happens we can come to a consensus and not have to fragment with any feelings of animosity.