This will probably of necessity, need to be a short report because I’m holed up in the kitchen as the Junior Youth Camp Staff (including 18 month old Elijah), meet in the living room and soon I need to walk Wil and be ready to head down to Crossroads!
The Taizé Gathering this morning was lovely, it was so super that Anna was able to come and lead music as she and her family had spent time at Taizé when she was a child so she is very familiar with their whole ethos.
Although there were only a couple of little ones I think they enjoyed making collages on outlines of the iconic Taizé cross (I know I did!)

We watched this little video, sang, prayed and learned together. After the Gathering we took the bus home and had a little visit before all the JYC people arrived.
In last week’s Sunday Reflections I commented on the need to “keep Sabbath” even in the world of Post-Christendom. Sundays of my childhood did not, on the surface, look much like the crazy races I now run, but underneath the same sense of purpose was there. Devoting the day to the Lord. Meeting in worship and fellowship with the wider community of faith and spending time with friends breaking bread together, whether it is a pizza or a sit down “Sunday Dinner”.
So it is all about our intention and the values that need to hold true. Now it is off with Wil, and out the door to Crossroads Youth Service…
Shabbat Shalom!