Sunday Reflections- on a Monday!

Oh my goodness! That was quite the crazy Sunday and today is shaping up much the same so I’m just making a quick start on this post before Anna arrives, bearing the completed DVD’s of the 2016 Slideshow. YAY!
 Yesterday in Children’s Ministry @ St. Stephen’s, we continued exploring Paul’s missionary journeys with a look at his trip to Athens. After creating a felt board montage of Paul sharing the good news with the people of that city, we all made map collages and then learned the action song “I am the Church, You are the Church”. My group enjoyed it so much they insisted on a second round before we rejoined the adults. I was mortified when Nick invited the children up to explain their collages and they confidently reported that they had learned about PETER going to Athens. Sigh ☹️
Then it was a hurried sandwich and a quick bike ride home to get ready for the CTM Board Meeting @ 2pm. The meeting was the usual chaotic jumble of business with little boys, spiced up with Wil crawling under the table to check for cookie crumbs and everyone talking out of order much to the despair of our Chair, Nick, and myself as I doggedly attempted to type the minutes!

After the meeting several people stayed around for a while and then I quickly grabbed another sandwich and once again biked back to St. Stephen’s this time for Crossroads Youth Service. Our new Director, Jillian, had expected a very small turn out since it was also Fathers Day so it wasn’t surprising that there were only 10 people present but it was a lovely evening and we met outside under a big leafy tree for a “No-Fire Campfire” Gathering of songs and several other activities followed by ice cream cones for everyone!

By the time I reached home on my bike it was quite late so, as you can see, there was no time to begin a Sunday Reflection. In fact it is quite likely I won’t publish one in the next two weeks since, as mentioned in Saturday’s post we are …nearing the finish line!
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