Whoa! 1 week ONE WEEK!!! from today, we will be sitting in big circle at Isaiah 40 participating in Team Training Day. The cycle of 46 weeks of planning followed by 6 weeks of Day Camps is about to end/begin. Of course we are NOT ready, but actually some things are totally nailed- like all the advance cooking is done and is currently filling both my big chest freezers!
But Team Supplies still need to finish getting packed and that includes the need for the burning of Song Cds and Liturgical Dance DVDs AND Slideshow DVDs. The Team Leaders Binders are only partially filled but all the photocopies have been made so it is just a case of stuffing the binders and Jessica is a pro at that job.
The list goes on but on the flip side I am over the top grateful for 17 Team Members, (and 1 more possibility) and for 26 host communities (Oh Lord PLEASE show us what to do about the 2 vacant slots for the Maritimes Team).
The week has been crammed with meetings, some via Skype, and some in person and many many hours on the computer. It is wildly inconvenient that the Diocesan “powers that be” decided to move Synod from the autumn to the (very late) spring this year as the last thing I should be doing tomorrow is spending a day in Fulford Hall taking Minutes of the proceedings but since I am Lay Secretary, there is no choice in the matter! Oh I know it will all work out but at present the thought of losing a whole day of Day Camp work is not a happy one plus of course the resulting many pages of Minutes to transcribe, who knows when?
Which is why I’m composing much if this post on a Friday afternoon, although the plan is to publish it late tomorrow when I return home. Actually the whole weekend is shaping up to be pretty hairy since Sunday there will morning church, with Children’s Ministry (yet another of Paul’s missionary journeys, this time the one to Athens), followed by a CTM Board Meeting, followed by Crossroads Youth Service. Then Monday Victoria will be staying with baby Andrew so she can attend a function for Isaiah 40, Anna will be visiting and having lunch with me so she can deliver the completed slideshow DVDs AND in the evening it is the last Day Camp Committee before the summer. So, missing the whole of Saturday does pose a weensy problem!

to clear out the rest of the maple keys from the flower beds (whew!) and one afternoon sewed the lining for the knitted bag I’ve been making. Another afternoon there was baking marathon and yesterday I made the last Retreat Week Dessert- Banana Yoghurt Soup and an ice cream cake for dessert at next Monday’s meeting.
Most unusually for me, this evening I’m going to a dance show in which Matthew Brotherwood is performing. His Mum kindly provided me with a ticket and told me Matthew would really like me to come so despite my unease in large crowded concert halls, I’m going because Matthew is my Art Lessons buddy and I do want to support him! So before I gobble down my dinner and hop on my bicycle I thought I would share another yummy salad recipe, which I enjoyed for dinner last evening.
Thai Noodle Salad

1 8oz. package Pad Thai noodles (I use
Brown rice ones) -
1 tin organic wild tuna or salmon, broken
into bite sized chunks - ½ cup fresh or frozen corn kernels
- 1 small sweet onion, shredded
- 1 Boston lettuce, washed, dried and
shredded - ¼ cup chopped cilantro
- ¼ cup lime juice
- 2 Tbsps. Thai fish sauce
- 1 Tbsp. Agave syrup
- 1 tsp. hot chilli sauce.
Bring a large pot of water to the boil and cook the noodles according to pkg. directions, adding the corn kernels for the last 3 minutes. Drain and refresh under cold water, drain thoroughly. On a large serving platter, or individual shallow bowls, arrange the lettuce, onion, fish, noodles and corn. In a small bowl whisk together the lime juice, sauces and agave syrup, our over the salad and garnish with cilantro. Serve immediately. Serves 4.