Sadly our happy plan for an outdoor Gathering and picnic was thwarted when we awoke today to a cold blustery morning with a forecast of showers! However, everyone rallied around superbly and the Gathering ran very smoothly with Liz leading Music (and prayers, and PowerPoint AND Lunch setup!!) and Jenna as our Service Leader.
It was a delight to also have my right-hand Day Camp person, Jessica also participating as we spent the morning learning about Mission in our community with a focus on Innovation Jeunes where Jenna is the Director and Jessica is in charge of the summer urban gardens project.

Making seed bombs with Jessica was definitely the highlight of the Gathering for the children (and some adults) and I’m excited to throw mine round the lanes of NDG, once they’ve dried out!
The Scriptures Jenna had chosen were spot on and Liz put together a thoughtful prayer litany. Our final song “You Make Beautiful Things” is a current favourite of mine and the lyrics were certainly most fitting with our Theme.
After the Gathering we had a really special indoor Potluck picnic with some super food so all in all the morning, despite being indoors was most uplifting, with a hopeful vibe as we learned about the ways in which needy urban youth are gaining new skills and helping to enrich their own neighbourhood in the process. It was a blessing to enjoy a ride home with Pippa and her children and then to work for a couple of hours in my own garden as the battle against the maple keys continues! And now it is time to settle into some serious Day Camp work until dinnertime as the long list for Monday already looms on the horizon, but for now I’m appreciating the perfume of just-picked peonies, enjoying a mug of hot coffee and listening again to “You Make Beautiful Things”.