Two weeks today we shall all be sitting in Lennox Hall over at Isaiah 40 participating in Team Training Day and (horrors!) three weeks today I shall be unloading groceries into the fridges and pantry in the Isaiah 40 kitchen.
Where has the time gone? In one way it seems as if we have been planning for this summer FOREVER but in other ways the weeks since Easter have just flown by until here we are, arrived on the cusp of Day Camps 2016.

This past week has been no exception to those preceding it. The good news is that the week produced TWO more Team Leaders. Yahoo!!!!! The bad news is we still are missing those two middle locations for the New Brunswick Team. Another good bit of news was to hear from Anna that all the filming is now complete for the 2016 Slideshow. Here is a sneak peek of the Angels at the Tomb (our Day 5 Theme!)

Wednesday we had meetings all day-at 10 am I met with one of the Training Day Camp Coordinators, at 1pm with the 3 Training Team Leaders and at 5pm Jessica arrived to spend the evening working on the Team Leaders Binders. In between Jillian stayed the whole afternoon, completing the Music Binders and telling me all about her family vacation cruise in Europe, from which she had just
returned! While Jessica worked during the evening I made many phone calls to talk to Team Members and parents of minors letting them know about their selection for the 3 Teams which will be flying out to Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Training Leaders and I also put those 3 Teams together, with tremendous thought and prayer and all of us felt at peace with the selections. What a blessing to have 3 fantastic Team Leaders for those special Teams.
returned! While Jessica worked during the evening I made many phone calls to talk to Team Members and parents of minors letting them know about their selection for the 3 Teams which will be flying out to Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Training Leaders and I also put those 3 Teams together, with tremendous thought and prayer and all of us felt at peace with the selections. What a blessing to have 3 fantastic Team Leaders for those special Teams.
We can just about squeak by to form 3 more Teams for all the other destinations, although I would feel more comfortable with 2 more Team Members on board. I need to be in touch with some of the SYC cabin staff and see if there were any campers last summer who stood out as likely candidates. We still only have 4 males on Team and it would be lovely to find 2 more so that each Team could have 1 male.
Once this post is done today I shall have to get back to the huge list of emails still needing to be composed plus some last minute proofreading of documents for sending to our copy centre hero, Henry. These items are needed to complete the Binders. There is also a reference form I’ve been asked to fill out for a former Team Member and when I printed it out yesterday I discovered there are 16 questions to fill out. EEK!!!

The only sewing I’ve managed to squeeze in this week was to finish the Birthday crown for my (soon to be) four year old Godson, Tighe. I’m really pleased with the way it has turned out and sure hope he loves it too 😊.
Although the weather has been dull and cool I have tried to grab an hour or so out in the garden each day just to clear my brain and get in extra prayer time for everyone coming on Team. The maple keys are 99% down so now comes the slow task of crawling through the flowerbeds picking them out by hand from among the plants. If this task is not done hundreds of tiny maple trees will spring up in the coming days. This morning, while enduring a nasty drizzling shower, I completed
the first long bed and it looks amazing compared to the one on the other side of the front path, a real “before and after” contrast!
the first long bed and it looks amazing compared to the one on the other side of the front path, a real “before and after” contrast!

Despite it being pretty chilly I have relied heavily on dinner salads all week since they are pretty quick to assemble. This
afternoon I’m making a special potato salad as my contribution to what will most likely be an indoor “picnic” lunch after the All Ages Gathering tomorrow.
We had so hoped to have the Service outside since we are focusing on Innovation Jeunes a local mission supported by St. Stephen’s and directed by Jenna, a church member
afternoon I’m making a special potato salad as my contribution to what will most likely be an indoor “picnic” lunch after the All Ages Gathering tomorrow.
We had so hoped to have the Service outside since we are focusing on Innovation Jeunes a local mission supported by St. Stephen’s and directed by Jenna, a church member
One of their big summer programs centres around urban gardens and one of the gardens is on St. Stephen’s property, hopefully we can still have the planned
tour even if it is too cold and windy to meet outside.
tour even if it is too cold and windy to meet outside.
The potato salad is very yummy so here is the recipe:-
Super Potato Salad

- 8 boiling potatoes, peeled and cubed
- 4 hardboiled eggs, mashed
- 2 Tbsps. red onion, finely chopped
- 3 slices thick-cut bacon, cooked and
crumbled (reserve the melted bacon fat) - ½ cup thinly sliced celery
- 1 cup mayonnaise or Veganaise
- 2 Tbsps. sour cream or yoghurt
- 1 Tbsp. cider vinegar
- ½ tsp. ground black pepper
- 2 Tbsps. chopped fresh parsley
- Paprika to taste for garnish
Cook the potatoes in plenty of boiling water until just tender, drain and place in a colander. Toss with the reserved bacon fat, cover loosely and leave to cool. In large bowl, combine the mashed eggs, red onion and celery. Add the cooled potatoes and toss gently. In a small bowl combine the mayonnaise, vinegar, sour cream and pepper. Pour over the potatoes and toss again. Place the salad in a large serving bowl and garnish with the crumbled bacon, parsley and paprika. Serves 6