Sunday Reflections- Easter 6

       This morning’s forecast included rain but I decided to risk it anyway and bike to church. The advantages of being able to come and go in my own time outweighing the disadvantage of getting wet! Going down to church was fine but coming home did prove to be rather soggy; however survived!
      Today we ended up with a joint group since one of the under-fives leaders was not well so the family was unable to come. Fortunately it was not a day with extra visitors so I managed quite well with Pippa offering to give a hand as needed.We were revisiting the Road to Emmaus passage from the Gospel of Luke. Since the focus was on the Disciples recognising Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread we made placemats and the children could choose whether to decorate them with cutouts of food pictures or with a drawing illustrating the scene. After each mat was completed we covered it with clear plastic so that hopefully the young artists could use them for meals at home. Today was also Holy Communion so after our activities we rejoined everyone else for the Eucharist.
     Following the Service we held our monthly Children’s Ministry Core Team meeting. This was a real working meeting since the plan was to clear out and reorganise a large cupboard in the under-fives room and to repurpose it for storage of all the children’s art supplies, our felt board, extra toys etc. Once the work was done I buttoned up my raincoat for the ride home.

        This afternoon Wil and I had a soggy walk and now we are settled in, glad not to have to make another excursion until just before bedtime. 
Since next Sunday will be the All Ages gathering I’ve been taking some time to look for a descent video of the Ascension, there really doesn’t seem to be much out there that isn’t pretty corny. Sigh. We will also be including Malcolm Guite’s Ascension Sonnet. His Blog features recordings of him reading his own poetry, which will fit excellently with our Gathering theme.
Here is a link, poetry on a wet Sunday afternoon seems just right somehow…

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