As we enter into the 5th week of Lent preparations for the coming summer, as well as those for Easter, are both ratcheting up around here!
This post is getting its start on Friday as, this evening, the Huyer “tribe” will be descending upon the house for a Saturday Junior Youth Camp committee meeting tomorrow morning and in the afternoon I shall be looking after baby Andrew while the others attend a Gilbert and Sullivan Matinée.
And what else is happening around here? Well there have been a number of enquiries from potential host churches, the Program Manual is close to being a whole document, the spring Coffeehouse poster has been printed, badgering for Team Members’ application forms is in full swing and Mrs Philmore has posted a spring Team Gathering event notice on FaceBook. Things are hopping! The weekend of March 19&20 will be even crazier with an SYC Staff meeting, a Board meeting AND Crossroads, then after that we will be into Holy Week AGH!!!

Early in the week I met with a friend who is not at all certain about future directions. Whenever someone comes to share such issues my mind begins to question the path I too am following and then it is so easy to slide down a slippery slope of worry. At our February All Ages Service, which took place the first Sunday in Lent, we all had an opportunity to write down a “fast and feast” desire, as was outlined in a special Lenten Prayer we had all shared. I chose “fast from worry- feast on divine order”, so during my quiet times I have been lifting up this friend and also focusing on a prayer from the DivineHours, a daily discipline I have followed for years.
When Dad died, 7 years ago, many people asked whether I would sell this house, as it is pretty obvious from a practical point of view that I do not have an adequate income to live here. One morning, as I struggled with these questions a prayer from the Daily Office presented itself in a way it had never impacted me before, it was so evident the Lord had placed it there just for me. When I say this prayer each day with intention, the doubts get pushed away and a sense of purpose and direction replaces them again.
So this week I’m praying that a similar clear sign will be given to my troubled friend and this morning while pumping up an air mattress for my Godson Alexander and contemplating refreshments for the Junior Camp group just for one glorious moment I knew, without any doubts that I was still on the right path and that this seemingly crazy situation is exactly where God wants me to be 😊.
Here is the prayer: –
“Oh Lord my God, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof and yet you have
called me to stand in this house and to serve you at this work. To you and to
your service I devote myself, body soul and spirit. Fill my memory with the
record of your mighty works, enlighten my understanding with the light of your
Holy Spirit and may every desire of my heart and will center in what you would
have me do. Make me an instrument of your salvation to those entrusted to my
care and grant that by my life and teaching I may set forth your true and
living Word.
called me to stand in this house and to serve you at this work. To you and to
your service I devote myself, body soul and spirit. Fill my memory with the
record of your mighty works, enlighten my understanding with the light of your
Holy Spirit and may every desire of my heart and will center in what you would
have me do. Make me an instrument of your salvation to those entrusted to my
care and grant that by my life and teaching I may set forth your true and
living Word.
In prayer quicken my devotion, in praises
heighten my sense of love and gratitude, in conversation give me readiness of
thought an expression and grant that by the power of your Holy Spirit the whole
world maybe drawn into your blessed kingdom. Grant this for the sake of your
Son our Saviour Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.”
heighten my sense of love and gratitude, in conversation give me readiness of
thought an expression and grant that by the power of your Holy Spirit the whole
world maybe drawn into your blessed kingdom. Grant this for the sake of your
Son our Saviour Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.”
On a less esoteric note: – this week’s recipe must be included!
Last evening a recently married young couple from the world of CTM came for dinner. I know that Sarah, particularly, is very fond of Indian food, so I made Vegetable Vindaloo. It makes a big potful so, yay, there are even leftovers!!
Vegetable Vindaloo

- 8 whole cardamom pods
- 1 Tbsp. each cumin & coriander seeds
- ½ tsp. cloves
- ¼ tsp. turmeric
- 1tsp.each paprika & cinnamon
- 2 Tbsps. vegetable oil
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- ½ tsp. each brown mustard and fenugreek
seeds - 2 Tbsps. chopped gingerroot
- ½ tsp. dried chiles
- 4 whole canned plum tomatoes, roughly
chopped - ¼ cup cider vinegar
- 2 cups water
- 1 Tbsp. sugar
- 1 tsp. coarse salt
- 3 cups each, peeled and diced white
potatoes and sweet potatoes - 2 red peppers, diced
Toast the cardamom, cumin and coriander in a small frying pan, then place in a spice grinder along with the turmeric, cloves, paprika & cinnamon. Grind to a fine powder, discarding any pieces of cardamom pod. Set aside. Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven and fry the onions for 10mins over medium-low heat. Stir in the spice mixture, ginger and dried chiles and cook for 2 minutes. Add the vinegar, tomatoes, water, sugar and salt, stir well, bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Add the potatoes and peppers, cover and simmer for another 20 minutes. Lastly, add the sweet potatoes, cover and simmer for 40 minutes. You may need to add more water, make sure all the vegetables are just covered with liquid. Remove the cover and allow to cook for 10 minutes to thicken the sauce. Serve with plain boiled rice and a dollop of yoghurt. Serves 4-6 and reheats well.