The Season of Epiphany is so short this year. Only two weeks from today we will already be at the first Sunday in Lent and it seems that Christmas is barely behind us. In fact I do wish some neighbours would remember that Christmas IS behind us, by February one does tire of illuminated Santas and Reindeer on front lawns!
This morning we were treated to a lovely trio of musicians who led our opening time of Worship; violin, guitar and accordion, all with vocals. Paul was Worship leader and had chosen another song by Gungor, the group who recorded “Vapor”, which has quickly become a favourite. The passage for Children’s Ministry was quite difficult to relate since it was simply a continuation of last week’s
story in which Jesus read, in the synagogue in Nazareth the prophesy of Isaiah, that speaks of the Messiah’s coming and how the congregation discounted the possibility that Joseph the carpenter’s son could be anything more than just that.
story in which Jesus read, in the synagogue in Nazareth the prophesy of Isaiah, that speaks of the Messiah’s coming and how the congregation discounted the possibility that Joseph the carpenter’s son could be anything more than just that.
I zeroed in on the verse about a prophet not being recognized in his own neighbourhood and from there we discussed how adults can sometimes overlook the special gifts of children since they are often too close to them to notice. After retelling the story with the feltboard and saying good-bye to o the toddler group, the older ones and I settled down to each create a simple board game along this theme. They really got into it and I was so please when, upon bringing them downstairs, two adults actually played the game with each child much to their delight!
Since it was a very mild day I took the opportunity to walk home. Not being a Sunday shopper I rarely visit stores on the walk but today made an exception since I have been looking for a wall calendar that would fit a narrow space in one of the bedrooms. At the stationary store I met with success finding a very pretty one with floral art and scripture verses, all for 20% off!
Then it was a brisk walk home, another walk with Wil and now, once this post is successfully published (I hope) I need to spend some time on this new laptop principally trying to find my whole iPhoto library which seems to have vanished in the transferring of files. Sigh!
The schedule for the week ahead is fairly ambitious so the more quickly I can become accustomed to this new computer the better.
But for this afternoon I am thankful for the peace of this house as the evening closes in. For hot chicken soup, music and a warm furry body snuggled beside me. Simple gifts.