Alas more snow this morning! Of course we should get used to it as this is pretty typical for January in Montreal but we had been lulled into a false sense of security with virtually no snow before Christmas!
After hurriedly shovelling the front path I was just able to catch Cousin Ron’s early call and we exchanged “weather news” as he told me about all the flooding in the North of England.
The bus to church was late, perhaps delayed following snowploughs but I travelled down with Matthew and it was nice to chat along the way. Once again we were a small group but the 3 Brady children and Nico were there so we had a happy little band and I made ice cube candles with the older ones as we talked about John 1:1-14. After the Gathering our Children’s Ministry Core Team held a short meeting to catch up on a few topics that need dealing with in the coming weeks. Then it was home to MORE shovelling. It was a real blessing to have a ride with Nick and Matthew since it gave me more time to tackle the snow.
And now as the afternoon draws in I’m back to cosying up with my furries and actually might get a few pages read of my new book! The week to come will see the ending of the Christmas Season and the arrival of Epiphany, so quickly the Holidays fly by and January seems infinitely longer than December! But I am looking forward to the Team Gathering next Saturday and hope to have a few photos in next Sunday’s post.
For this evening I plan to just hold onto the beauty of the Christmas Tree to listen again to bright carols and to fend off the darkness with the knowledge that the True Light has come into the world.