Sunday Reflections-Advent 4

      Here I am with an unexpected quiet half hour! Home from church with a mug of coffee in hand, I am sitting in the living room admiring my totally beautiful HUGE tree! As promised, Brian brought it last evening and I spent a happy couple of hours decorating it. My favourite thing is coming downstairs the first morning the tree is up and smelling pine in the house, heavenly!
     Actually I had to come downstairs at 457am since Wil had a call of nature but the pine aroma was lovely, even though I would have preferred to smell it at a more reasonable hour!
    At church,the children took great pleasure colouring in the last of our four Advent Candle “words” and helping me attach it to the chimneypiece after the Service.
We also did an informal retelling of the Christmas Story together with the older children placing all the nativity figures on the big blue feltboard during the narrtive.
      It was a simple and quite peaceful morning and the long cold walk home gave me an extra stretch of time in which to process and be calm before the whirlwind afternoon sets in.
     As I write, the big pot of cocoa is ready on the kitchen counter and the Huyers should be arriving soon. In a short while Wil and I need to take our afternoon perambulation and then I will be off back down to St. Stephen’s for dance practice followed by Crossroads with Bishop Mary officiating.

    Last evening Alexander published the second half of my It Isn’t Easy Being Green” SYC Blog Post. There are a couple of errors, which were not in the original, but I hope it will catch some people’s
attention 😊.
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