Sunday Reflections- Advent 3

       Home from the Jesse Tree All Ages Gathering, where everything ran exceptionally smoothly much to my surprise and joy!
      Those with key roles all arrived early and so we were ready to start right on time.  The whole Brady family helped with the lighting of the Advent Candles and then we were off and running.
     Steve did a super job keeping us all on track and Paul on guitar accompanied by Peter on viola played some very lovely and suitable music. The first song, “Vapor”, was from a group I had never heard of, it
was really full of mystery and seemed just right to begin our exploration back in time to discover Jesus’ “roots”.
     Young and old joined in making all the ornaments and then we dressed the tree interspersed with verses of “Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel”. The whole Service was not too long so even the youngest member did not lose interest and soon we were tidying up and everyone was digging into soup and bagels.
     After helping Matthew shop for a salad he was taking to a group party, I decided to walk home (even though not feeling 100%) since it was lovely and sunny and the thought of descending into the Metro did not grab me. Walking along I conjectured on all the many different Jesse Trees with which I had assisted. My goodness!! I’m sure I first discovered the Liturgy over 30 years ago.
  Although the bay window at St. Stephen’s House is a far cry from the chancel steps of St. Matthew’s, sharing in this simple but effective Liturgy draws all those different trees into one whole within the covers of the Bible, where Christ’s Lineage from the “Tribe of David” and “Root of Jesse” is so clearly laid out for us.
   And now as the afternoon draws in it will soon be time to light the third candle and plunge into the week of Advent 3….

                                    “The Word became flesh and blood,
                                                                                                 and moved into the neighbourhood.”-John 1:14

                                                                                                 The Message


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