Whew! Where did October go? This month has been full of so many joys and sorrows and the past week just continued the trend!
Perhaps you noticed that I did not manage to do a “Sunday Reflection”? Well that was because I was SO busy all Sunday afternoon preparing for the Spanish Inquisition Tea Party that there just wasn’t time. However we did have a great time on Sunday morning talking about Samuel and doing improv drama of God calling Samuel after which we made fimo clay candle holders to represent the eternal lamp burning in the Temple, a happy morning followed by a zooy afternoon, culminating with High Tea.

Monday I welcomed Victoria and all three of my Godsons. They arrived mid-afternoon, we all had an early supper together and then Victoria headed off to a Board meeting while I cared for the boys. We had a VERY boisterous evening because they had been in Vancouver the previous week and thus their little bodies were still running on BC time and still totally wired by 9pm There was one glorious half hour when baby Andrew fell asleep in my arms and the others were sweetly quieter in their play but then everyone got their second wind .AGH!
Timothy had taken the train down from Ottawa after work so that he could drive them all home late because they had school on Tuesday so when Victoria got back everyone was bundled into PJs. We sat on the sofa reading a Peanuts book about the Easter Beagle (their choice NOT mine!!) while the van was being loaded and they totally insisted on reading right to the end before leaving. So, as you can see, a Sunday Reflection on a Monday was just not going to happen either and besides by then it was almost Tuesday!!!
Tuesday morning I attended the funeral of Mrs. Carling, a long time member of St. Matthew’s and grandmother of Brenda one of our Training Team leaders and former committee member. I really wanted to attend because Brenda had sought my help in finding a priest to take the Service and I had arranged for Nick, Pastor at St. Stephen’s to officiate. Nick very kindly drove me to the cemetery as the Service took place in the chapel there. Brenda had prepared the liturgy and there were some lovely old hymns including one of my top ten favourites “For All the Saints”. I always consider that one to be my “raking” hymn since All Saints Day and raking season always coincide and with all those verses it is just a great hymn to sing while gardening! Steven Craig is also a friend of Brenda’s and knows her parents and he was able to come too. There was also a good sprinkling of St. Matthew’s members so all in all the funeral was well attended and I think it was a lovely send off for a dear lady. Following the funeral I needed to go down to the Synod office to sign a document and ended up being driven home by Bishop Mary, who managed to coerce me into restoring several vestments AND agreeing to clean out her garden!!! EEK!
In between all these activities there has been a ton office work as our Fall Newsletter should be published this weekend, there were rough drafts of the Program Manual cover design to approve, a letter to go out to prospective Day Camp churches and receipts to draw up for 2015 final payments.
The news came on Wednesday that the Rev. Brett Cane’s mother had died and the funeral is tomorrow at St. George’s church. As I have mentioned many times, Brett is the “inventor” of Day Camps as well as having directed our Senior Youth Camp for many years and latterly having been CTM President before his move to Winnipeg, He is my former “boss”, mentor, colleague and friend and I shall be attending my second funeral of the week tomorrow to offer my condolences.
Amazingly, there has also been time for a lot of garden work, a Design Team meeting at church, planning for our next All Ages Gathering, baking,Christmas knitting and, today, some preparations for tomorrow evening when former neighbours are joining me for dinner. As I said at the beginning, October has been a doozy!!
Yesterday I tried another soup from “Soup for Syria”. I had to make a few adaptations since I was lacking some ingredients but Soupe au Pistou was yummy and I’m sharing the recipe and hoping lots of readers will also decide to help the Syrian Refugee situation by purchasing a copy!
Soupe au Pistou

- 1 medium onion, diced
- 2 Tbsps. Olive Oil
- 1 fennel bulb, diced
- 2 leeks, well washed and cut in ¼” slices
- 1 can whole tomatoes
- Bouquet garni (I used a sprig each of fresh sage, thyme and oregano)
- 1 cup cooked Navy Beans
- 1 cup uncooked macaroni
(I used homemade Garlic Scape Pesto)
(I used homemade Garlic Scape Pesto)
- 1 cup chopped garlic scapes
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 4 oz. grated parmesan
- Salt& pepper
Place scapes in a food processor and process until fine, add Parmesan and pulse to combine. Slowly pour in the olive oil until throughly combined. Scrape into a bowl and season to taste with pepper and salt. To make the soup- The day before soak the beans in cold water overnight. The next day, drain and add fresh waterhen cook until slightly underdone. Drain and set aside. Heat the olive oil in a large pot and sauté the garlic and onion until golden, add all the other vegetables and saute until softened. Add the chicken broth, canned tomatoes and Bouquet Garni and bring to a simmer. Add the macaroni nd beans and cook until the macaroni is al dente. Remove the Bucket Garni and ladle into bowls, pass the pesto on the side. Serves 4-6, with crusty bread.