This morning’s wake up call from the UK came at 630 am so I had an early start to my Sunday. After listening to a short synopsis of Cousin Ron’s week in Orpington, Kent I did try to doze again but it wasn’t working so I figured it was better to get up and to have bit of extra time before biking to church. In our continuing series highlighting notable Bible figures, today the focus was on the mother of Moses. There was no difficulty finding a good short video on the story of Moses in the Bulrushes, which everyone enjoyed watching as we finished up our snack. The toddlers then went off to their room to make playdough Moses in yoghurt cup “baskets” and Malachi and I worked on slightly more sophisticated models while discussing the Ten Commandments and how, without the ingenuity of Moses’ mother, Moses himself would not have been the vehicle via whom the Lord gave these core tenets to His people. After cleaning up and a short time of prayer we checked out the Moses page in our newly acquired “Bible Detective” book until it was time to head back downstairs for the closing of the Service. Then it was a quick sandwich and the ride home, a whiffle around the garden (so dry! no rain at all in the past week) and now some catching up on CTM work before assembling the ingredients for “Two Potato Vindaloo”. This evening Steven Craig is bringing his MCF colleague, Steve Schalm for dinner, as I have not yet met the “second Steven”! The week to come looks pretty full and will include the Consecration of our new Bishop. I still seem to be catching up on last week’s work but in this quiet hour I am also reflecting on the path I have trod in the past few days, hoping I did not diverge too far from God’s plan, asking forgiveness for those times when I’m sure I did and rejoicing over the small victories when things obviously fell properly into place. Last Monday was also the Feast of St. Matthew. For so many years that was our church’s Patronal Festival and I was happy to find that my favourite modern day poet had posted a sonnet for my favourite Saint. So I shall close with a link to this thoughtful piece of poetry.