A lovely sunny morning wooed me into thinking about biking to church, but, upon checking the Weather Network and discovering the temperature was 2°C my resolve wavered and I opted for the bus! It was a good choice because Pippa and Tighe were on the same bus, and Sue and Matthew soon joined us so there was plenty of lively conversation on the trip!
At church I whipped out my hacksaw in order to replace a wobbly curtain rod (aka tree branch) in the Toddler Room. Fred appeared and offered to help but it was soon discovered that the replacement branch was too thick to fit through the curtain casing and it was deemed easier to just bring the panel home and sew a new, wider channel.
Before the Sunday Gathering I also set up, in the kitchen, the ingredients for baking Communion Bread and cued this video to illustrate our “Emmaus Road” story. Pippa had suggested the Toddlers share the video with the older children but as we gathered in the Worship Room it was soon apparent that there were no older children, just toddlers and babies. So we joined together and the toddlers had a great time helping to make the bread! After we had washed their hands (again!) and dusted off all the flour, Pippa took them upstairs for play and I scrubbed down the kitchen while baking the bread.
It was interesting to reflect on the different ways in which one needs to connect with toddlers and I was grateful for the opportunity to share in their world and to approach our group time in a way
that would best engage them.
that would best engage them.

Once home, Alexander and Sarah came by to collect various packages for the Huyer family in Ottawa as they are driving up to see them this afternoon. Then there was a short session of garden work, some drawing and painting, a Wil walk and now a few computer “chores” before dinner. From Cousin Ron’s early call, to a quiet afternoon, this Sabbath has offered plenty of peace and a gentle, less frenetic pace than my usual daily routines.Yes, I think I will be suitably refreshed to leap into the week tomorrow morning!