Oh my goodness! Lent is really zooming by!! Week 4 already!
This was a week of many visitors interspersed with the proofreading of the “Something to Celebrate!” Program Manual, the producing of copy for the CTM Newsletter “Networks”, preparing the agenda for the coming Day Camp committee meeting (on Monday) and, oh, many calls and emails. All of which is a clear indication that the slower pace of winter is being left behind and the frenetic speed of spring in the world of Day Camps, is quickly taking over. Whew! I am trying to get ready for the inevitable “bumpy ride”!
Monday morning I met with Jill and am really happy that St. Stephen’s and Emmaus Churches are going to jointly host a Day Camp this summer @ St. Stephen’s House. We talked about initial plans and also about vague possibilities of Team Member recruiting from the Emmaus Youth Group. (Still NO TEAM APPLICATIONS!!)
Wednesday evening was the monthly meeting of the Children’s Ministry core team from St. Stephen’s so we also talked, among other things, about the Day Camp and Pippa has agreed to be the liaison person at our end, no one could be better qualified for the job!
Thursday Jillian came for a lunch visit and we discussed Team recruiting in schools, CEGEPS and Youth Groups. We also reviewed the names of various former Team Members to consider who might possibly return this summer. That evening my church “knitting friend” Sarah came bringing me a gift of cosy hand knit slippers, a lovely surprise! We ate chocolate cupcakes and I worked on my Godson, Alexander’s, Birthday Crown (3!!, he is going to turn THREE!!).
Then yesterday the Irish family came to visit so I finally got to meet 3-month-old baby Elijah and present him with the booties I had made for him quite a while back. His Mum, Anna, is our puppeteer extraordinaire and a committee member (albeit on a “new baby” sabbatical from meetings) so we talked shop especially the progress of filming the 2015 slideshow. Here is a sneak peak frame, isn’t it super?!

So the week has been hectic. In between I took Minutes at yet another Diocesan Council meeting, proofread the Manual, knit 2 Mason Jar cosies from this pattern, and began work on my second dozen Pysanky.
Today is a “Bake & Blog” day, although first thing this morning I squeezed in alterations on a spring dress to wear to church tomorrow and the finishing of-

Alexander’s birthday crown. His current favourite colours are pink and purple, so pink and purple it is! and it boasts a Thomas the Tank Engine, a dog, a number 3, his initial “A” and a cucumber, a snapshot of all his favourites as he turns 3.
This afternoon, as freezing rain taps on the windows, I’m making French Macarons (dessert for the Day Camp meeting), Baguettes, large soft rolls (also for the meeting) and have a big treat for dinner since last month’s meat parcel included a tiny chicken, which I’m doing in the “Spatchcocked” style.
It is a simple but very tasty way to cook a small chicken so here is the recipe!
Spatchcocked Chicken
1 small chicken
- Juice of 2 limes
- 1/3-cup vegetable oil
- 2 Tbsps. coriander seeds
- 1/2 tsp. black pepper
Remove the giblets and neck from the chicken, pat dry and place on a cutting board. Using a cleaver or shears cut through the breastbone and spread the chicken open so that is lies flat.
Mix the marinade ingredients and place in a shallow glass dish; place the chicken in the marinade, turning to coat. Cover and marinate up to 24 hours in the refrigerator.
When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 400° and transfer the bird to a cast iron frying pan or Dutch oven. Roast for 45 minutes- 1 hour, depending on the size of the chicken. To serve, place on a heated platter and sprinkle with coarse sea salt and chopped fresh coriander. Serves 2. In Summer the chicken can also be cooked on a barbeque.