As the coming weekend is currently shaping up to be quite the “marathon” it seems best to make a start on the Saturday post, even though it is still Friday afternoon!
But let me explain- Tomorrow morning a group of CTM Board members is meeting at our Bank in order to change some of the signing officers. After that my former secretary, Guylaine (who will be at the meeting) is coming home for lunch with me and to visit prior to the SYC Staff meeting taking place at the house at 3pm, during which I shall be helping to entertain my two small Godsons as their mother will be Chairing said meeting.
There has been plenty of Day Camp correspondence and general office work, along with prepping the agenda for next Monday ‘s Day Camp committee meeting. A minor crisis occurred yesterday when the “Churches and Communities” Tab on this Blog was accidentally wiped out resulting in 8 hours of work today to do a rewrite. I am consoling myself with the thought that perhaps it was time to refurbish it anyway (ha, ha).
Afternoons and evenings this past week included three meetings (church and diocesan), shovelling (an almost daily task), a bit of work on the wedding veil and some other small pieces of sewing and crafting, a baking afternoon, a lunch visit with Sarah and I even squeezed in sanding and painting a small table!
One evening I was busy cooking my dinner when a knock came at the door. Of course Wil began his usual barking so I hurried to see who it was. Two burly men in UPS uniforms stood on the doorstep with a large box. I opened the door and said that I was not expecting a parcel but they peered at the label, checked my name and address and announced-“it’s a dog bed, and you obviously have a dog!”. So I dragged the box into the kitchen and Wil and I opened it only to find a lovely new green denim covered bed! a Christmas gift from dear friends. How did they know that only a couple of weeks before I had finally and very sadly thrown away the old bed, which had belonged to my previous Lab, Grenfell and which was of great sentimental value but was totally worn out. Wil is VERY happy with his new acquisition and so am I!!

Last evening I finally completed the Alpaca and silk, cowl that I have been knitting (interspersed with Christmas gifts) for a couple of months. It will be sewn together this evening and hopefully worn to church on Sunday, so soft and cosy
As January is peak time for soup eating I thought this week I would share a really. tasty chicken noodle one which also comes in very handy for nursing those with colds or flu!
Chicken Noodle Soup with Parsnips
- 8 cups homemade chicken stock
- 2 parsnips, peeled and thinly sliced
- 2 stalks celery, sliced
- 2 carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 2 Tbsps. butter
- 8oz. wide egg noodles
- 2 cups cooked chicken, diced
- ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley
- salt and pepper
- hot sauce, to taste
Melt the butter in a large soup pot and sauté the onion until soft, about 8 minutes. Add the stock, parsnips and carrots and simmer for 15-20 mins. just until the vegetables are tender. Bring to the boil and add the noodles. Cook approx. 8mins. until the pasta is al dente. Lower the heat to a gentle simmer and stir in the chicken and parsley. Simmer until the chicken is heated through and season with salt, pepper and hot sauce. Serves 4-6 and freezes well.