After the ubiquitous Sunday wake-up call from Cousin Ron in the UK followed by the usual round of chores and Wil walk, I hurried off to meet Matthew Brotherwood and to bus to church with him.There was a lot to get ready, our last Advent Sunday morning together! Malachi arrived in good time to light the fourth candle in our wreath and then we trooped upstairs to begin our group time together. Seren wisely pointed out that it was “much better without the old smelly carpet” and I heartily agreed, particularly since gold sparkles featured in our Angel Candleholder making!!
We read the passage about the angels and the shepherds, while munching on poppy seed biscuits and bananas, made our candle holders, watched “An UnexpectedChristmas” &”The Christmas Story”, prayed together and then it was time to gather up the angels, shepherds and baby Jesus, to take them to the manger (BIG excitement)

It was decided that the Wise Men could progress from the top of the craft shelf in our room as far as the desk on the landing, because they most certainly would have begun their journey by now, but they will not be placed in the stable until Seren’s birthday, the Feast of Epiphany(her name means “Star”). After church I stayed behind to paint the chalkboard wall in the Toddler room and then trekked home. Despite the walk taking over 45minutes all I could smell the whole way home was paint solvent (ugh, not very Christmassy!)
But after a little time at home and then another long Wil walk, the paint smell is wearing off, the evening is closing in and soon I will say the prayers and light the fourth candle in my own wreath.

This final peaceful Advent Sunday before the great Feast, is a welcome pause on the final leg of the road to Bethlehem.
Malcolm Guite has a beautiful sonnet to mark the day.
Christmas Blessings to everyone reading this blog!