Although the rain looked imminent I still chose to risk it and biked to church. Happily it held off pretty well and I was only slightly damp upon arrival!
With Pastor Nick away in England the congregation, initially, looked pretty small, but as is usual at St. Stephen’s the chairs filled up as the Worship music began. Poor George was the only one of children’s group present, however he seemed happy enough to join my helper, John and me upstairs for our activities!
The series on the characteristics of God continues and this week Heather was speaking on “Mercy”. Early in the week she had, most helpfully, sent me a page of Scripture passages she would be sighting but, as has been the case during this series, it still proved quite challenging to find a way to impart the concept of God’s mercy to a five year old.
After a lot of “Googling” this video on “Grace” was found and seemed a worthwhile addition. Psalm 85 v. 11 kept running through my head and from that I had decided we could make paper garlands using the outlines of the children’s hands and writing “Mercy” and “Truth” on them.George is an avid colourer so he really enjoyed this part of our group time.
We snacked on apples and pumpkin mini-muffins. Read Psalm 85 watched the video and coloured and the time seemed to fly by! It was good to talk on one with George, although he has only just turned 5 he is a lively conversationalist and time listening to his observations on life is very special.

Home again there has been a flurry of activity as, any minute my Tea Party guests are due to arrive, so I shall probably need to finish off the post later this evening.
It will be lovely to have a visit with Laura and Jesse, to hear about all of their plans, and to give them their much belated wedding gift!
Well there they are at the door…..