As was outlined on Saturday, yesterday was going to be one of those marathon days, and predictions proved correct.
Up early with little boys pattering into my room, the day began with the weekly call from cousin Ron, in Orpington. This time the call was interrupted as I poured juice and admired the new “birthday” sweater from one little boy, with the cordless tucked under my chin. At one point cousin Ron asked if I had a small child there, so I was able to explain what was going on at my end of the line.
It was a real blessing to have a drive to church, both because it was drizzling and because I had a selection of odd objects to transport.

We arrived in good time and I set up my supplies for a teaching around Matthew20:1-16, the Parable of the Vineyard. There were only two children, plus a helper but we had a good time. I had puzzled about telling the Parable story in a way to help them see the double meaning but finally settled on telling the vineyard part as we munched on ginger cookies and melon wedges, and then retelling the underlying meaning using the felt board. It seemed best to focus on the concept that God welcomes us into his “family” at any time in our lives and that His love embraces us in the same way no matter what we have done, or when we come.
For our activity we made a collage with lots of people of all shapes and sizes glued around “God’s heart”. I pray that these two little guys understood just a bit of the meaning.
Then it was home to a lunch of Vermont Quesadillas, veggies, oatmeal cranberry cookies and fruits, a hurried clean up, a quick dash round the neighbourhood with Wil and next the CTM Board meeting at 3pm.All but one member of the Board was able to be present and we had a good meeting, apart from Wil’s regular interruptions, and an unfortunate juice accident in the
kitchen, the usual “quiet afternoon at the Taylor’s” chaos!
kitchen, the usual “quiet afternoon at the Taylor’s” chaos!
The Huyers stayed a little while after the meeting and by then it was dinnertime, with a drop by visit from Donna bringing more wool for my knitting of small slippers for her to give as Christmas gifts to various members of her extended family. So as you can see, a quiet Sunday Reflection was just not in the picture!
As it is now Monday morning, my attention needs to be turned to typing up the Board minutes, sorting out Day Camp receipts, etc. etc. etc….