During the night I awoke to the sound of a
thunderstorm and this morning it was still raining heavily, thus for several
reasons I opted at to have quiet Sunday at home.
thunderstorm and this morning it was still raining heavily, thus for several
reasons I opted at to have quiet Sunday at home.
and I had a very soggy early walk and then I read the Morning Office while
listening to choral music, after which I decided to scrub the kitchen floor as
a suitable activity to undertake while doing some intercessory prayer, since I
always wash the floor on my hands and knees!
and I had a very soggy early walk and then I read the Morning Office while
listening to choral music, after which I decided to scrub the kitchen floor as
a suitable activity to undertake while doing some intercessory prayer, since I
always wash the floor on my hands and knees!
Earlier in the week I had ascertained that two of my Children’s Ministry
regulars would be away today. so a part of me was not feeling guilty at staying home and yet there was the concern that there might have been other children at church with whom I might have met.
Over the last few days,the struggle has continued to find a child-friendly teaching in the Book of the Prophet Nahum, which was to be today’s
sermon topic but I had still drawn a blank. It has really been a challenge to
link the minor prophets with credible themes for small children and as we work our way through the series it just seems to get harder! Perhaps I am too much
of a Trinitarian to be able to build themes solely on Old Testament books,
particularly, the minor prophets. On the one hand there is a feeling of guilt that I must be
missing something really important, which needs to be imparted, but on the other
hand the sort of imagery in these writings does not seem to provide much in the
way of straightforward, age-appropriate material.
sermon topic but I had still drawn a blank. It has really been a challenge to
link the minor prophets with credible themes for small children and as we work our way through the series it just seems to get harder! Perhaps I am too much
of a Trinitarian to be able to build themes solely on Old Testament books,
particularly, the minor prophets. On the one hand there is a feeling of guilt that I must be
missing something really important, which needs to be imparted, but on the other
hand the sort of imagery in these writings does not seem to provide much in the
way of straightforward, age-appropriate material.
here I am caught between a desire to always lead with enthusiasm and passion
and yet being unable to find a credible way to do so with the topic in hand.
here I am caught between a desire to always lead with enthusiasm and passion
and yet being unable to find a credible way to do so with the topic in hand.
Unfortunately Habakkuk does not look any more
propitious for next Sunday.
propitious for next Sunday.

After wrestling with such depressing thoughts this morning I am now
moving on to the week at hand-Week 4!! the final week of the Day Camps Schedule.
only being a relative term, there have been the usual number of texts coming in from
Team Leaders in different time zones and at noon one parent of a Team member
dropped by with a bag of stuff for him since Team 1 was using my house as a midpoint
“drop-off/ pickup” between 2 Day Camps.
moving on to the week at hand-Week 4!! the final week of the Day Camps Schedule.
only being a relative term, there have been the usual number of texts coming in from
Team Leaders in different time zones and at noon one parent of a Team member
dropped by with a bag of stuff for him since Team 1 was using my house as a midpoint
“drop-off/ pickup” between 2 Day Camps.
And there is a huge “to-do” list starting tomorrow, but for this afternoon I intend
to try and maintain just a bit of Sabbath peace-in between the texts, calls and people
knocking at the front door!!!
to try and maintain just a bit of Sabbath peace-in between the texts, calls and people
knocking at the front door!!!