After an early morning call from my Dad’s Dear old Cousin Ron in the UK I leapt on my bike and took a very hot and sticky ride to church.
Dance for the Service! Yay Malachi!!

Thus we got out the felt board, and illustrated the prophecy, with a slight digression to King
David and Solomon’s Temple, we read that portion of Chapter 5 and had a good discussion over our snack of pears and cheese. Then we made collages of “the Family Tree of David” with illustrations of King David and Jesus at the top and bottomof the trees.
Biking home, I thought about how much i had enjoyed my Wednesday Day Camp visit and how I really miss those opportunities to actually see a Day Camp in action. When I still had a vehicle i made a point of visiting every Camp within reasonable driving distance of Montreal but now I need to mostly rely on photos and on my regular talks with the Team Leaders. It is just not the same as being right there with the Campers, watching them participating in the Quiz or singing the songs or laughing at Lamb. After months and months of so much planning it is so exciting to actually be there as a Day Camp happens. But it is still a real blessing to talk with the Teams and to see the photos of happy faces and to read positive Evaluations as they begin to trickle in.
And so this afternoon I have been talking with the various Team Leaders as they settle into their new locations. Two have already called with news about their set-up meetings and with the phone numbers where the will be billeted this week. Unbelievably Week 3(!) is about to begin, as is my next cooking marathon for SYC Staff Pre-camp!