Epiphany 4- 2014

Oh yes! things are beginning to speed up in the world of Day Camps!!This week has seen the arrival of 2 more Program Manual Chapters (only 1 small piece left and then ALL the content will be in Arnee’s computer), woo woot!
     Several churches from Alberta to the Maritimes have responded to my messages and are applying to host Camps and Anna has reported that she is busy constructing a stage for our new Slideshow. Very exciting!! We have booked a date in early May for “Crafts Day” which will be held back-to-back with the recording of our Liturgical Dance Slowly the Retreat Week Schedule is taking shape and I am planning on rewriting some of my own workshops to give them a fresh look.
      Monday evening I had such a nice visit with Nancy, one of our key Coordinators who has been instrumental in our taking Day Camps to a number of communities in Alberta. Despite having been caught for hours in snarled traffic (white outs and accidents throughout Quebec that day) she and her son were able to join me for a late dinner and a time of intensive Day Camps discussions with lots of great suggestions for potential host churches AND potential Travelling Team recruiting.
     Tuesday evening was the bi-monthly meeting of the CTM Board of Directors. Prior to the meeting Linda Faith, our President joined me for a dinner of kedgeree, and since it was a very cold evening, we then held the meeting by a fire in the living room.
    Thus Wednesday morning I spent time typing up the Minutes and following up on agenda items. I also enjoyed a nice lunch visit with Sarah that day, and, as she is a former Team Leader and Committee Member we chatted about Day Camps news as well as her University courses, work, and other topics.

Throughout the week there has also been quite a frenzy of sewing, knitting and other crafty activities. Having heard early in the week about the births of 2 babies I had happy time hand sewing some really adorable felt booties for one and knitting a tiny Eco-alpaca hat for the other
Since a dear friend has a birthday soon I was also looking for a funky bag to sew and found this pattern. Not being sure about a colour combination, I decided to sew 2 different ones and then make up my mind. I’m not going to say which one I chose for her because she reads this Blog!!

Tomorrow’s Gospel reading will be the Beatitudes so part of my mind has been employed in coming up with a board game for Children@St. Stephen’s. More of this tomorrow.The rest of this afternoon looks like a weekly session of “Bake and Blog”. Gluten-free bread, granola, Mooncakes (for an upcoming Chinese New Year High Tea), Jamaican Patties and a Tuna “Cazzerole” for dinner.  Why not a Casserole you ask? Well, “cazzerole” is in memory of a dear lady at St. Matthew’s Church. Mrs. Barnes was very active in the ACW and always made Tuna Cazzerole (her pronunciation) for all Church Suppers. It was the saltiest casserole I have EVER eaten, but I always had a smidgeon to please her. So around our house we didn’t have casseroles but always cazzeroles, especially if they were TUNA cazzeroles, in memory of Mrs. Barnes (but we never used her particular recipe!)

 Tuna Cazzerole
  • 3 Tbsps. butter
  • 3 Tbsps. flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • ¼ tsp. each garlic powder and basil
  • Pinch each-celery seed, paprika, dried mustard
  • 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar
  • 1 cup uncooked macaroni
  • 1 green pepper, diced
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 cup diced fresh mushrooms
  • 1 can water packed tuna, drained and broken
    into chunks
Cook the macaroni until just al dente, set side. In a saucepan, over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the flour and cook, stirring for 5 minutes. Gradually stir in the milk, then the herbs and cheese and continue stirring until thickened. Remove from heat, Lightly grease a shallow casserole. Pour in the sauce and add the vegetables, tuna and macaroni. Using a large rubber spatula, fold all the ingredients together until well combined. Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated 350F. oven. Serves 3-4
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