Riding down to church on this rainy morning with Nick, John and my soup pot (!) I was thinking that today’s Sunday Reflections might be all about my role serving lunch but, as usual, God had very different ideas.
Writing this Blog the general attempt is to be upbeat and positive, looking at the good in our Christian journeys and not focusing on the sad or negative experiences of daily life.But some days God calls us to be sad and there is nothing wrong with that because He has told us there will be dark times as well as joyful times. That is one of the great strengths of our faith, having a God who does care and who walks with us through all the hard sad days as well as the beautiful and joyous times.
Why was church sad today? Well it certainly did not appear to be sad on the surface as our little Worship space was full to bursting with happy little babies and toddlers banging on shakers, laughing and giggling and causing pandemonium! No, it was sad because today we said goodbye to the Campbell family, as they return to Edmonton after 18 months within our Church.
I am not going to tell their story here since we, as a community, have only been a part of it as we came alongside them, as we prayed for them (and with them) cooked for them, drove them to the hospital, and tried to support them in every way we could.
And today was the end of that time of “coming alongside”. From now on we can just pray and wait for news from a distance.Today was about tears and hugs and saying goodbye.
I am very thankful to have known the Campbells. I’m so glad I cooked meals for them and that they remain a constant in my daily prayers. Most of all I am humbled to have offered the chalice to Steve and to have served Avery a bowl of soup on her last Sunday at St. Stephen’s.