Pennsylvania Dutch Giant Chocolate Wafers, Iced Sugar Cookie Christmas Trees and Gingersnaps with Candied Ginger.

When the last of the cookies came out of the oven I popped in the piece of organic turkey breast I had been able to procure, along with a sweet potato, steamed some broccoli and set a festive table in the living room, where Thanksgiving Dinner was enjoyed by myself, along with two furry friends!

With that out of the way the next order of business was to begin putting together our Program Flyer, now that Rebecca has completed the final colour design. Along with the flyer there needed to be a letter to Clergy of prospective new churches, so Wednesday that piece of work was completed and the flyers have now been emailed to a number of communities who expressed interest in hearing about our 2014 Program.Over the last couple of days copies have also been sent to some of our 2013 churches since the flyer was not ready when the Feedback Forms went out in early September.

Well that is how far I got yesterday! It is now early Sunday afternoon. I enjoyed the luxury of staying in bed until 745am (really late for me!) this morning, then read the Morning Office, caught up around the house, took Wil for a long walk, raked and generally resettled into the home/office environment. At lunchtime I headed to the CO-OP to pick up my weekly chocolatine order, having asked that it be saved aside, only to
discover the baker had not delivered yesterday. This was very sad so my lunch of Latté and fruit was accommpanied by (homemade) Swedish Rye Bread with honey; tasty but not as special as a chocolatine! Soon the Navy Beans will need to start soaking as we are going to haveBaked Beans, Red Cabbage Coleslaw, Homemade Brown Bread and Caramel Apples with
Hot Cider, for the Committee meeting tomorrow.
favourite version
Weathersfield Wassail

- 1 cup orange juice
- 1 gallon fresh apple cider
- ¼ cup lemon juice
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 2 sticks cinnamon
- ½ tsp vanilla
- 1 orange,halved
- 8 whole cloves
- ¼ tsp allspice
- 1 apple, cored & sliced (peel left on)