Oh my goodness! There I was thinking that, since Thanksgiving Day is always the second Monday of the month, that this Wednesday was only the second Wednesday. Then I looked at my iCal and …EEK!! So here you are without further ado:-
The October Guestblogger Post written by Michael Still (sooo sorry, Michael) I’m sure you will enjoy it!

Hello readers! This post comes to you all the way from Winnipeg Manitoba! I’m so excited to have the chance to write to you all today about my experiences with Crosstalk Ministries, how it all came to be and how it has shaped and affected my life in such a positive way! Justfor starters, I shall introduce myself a bit, and explain how I managed to find out about this amazing ministry!My name is Michael Still, and I am a previous Day Camps team member from 2010 and 2011, although my first experience with the program was actually in 2007, at the age of 12. My father, an Anglican priest was very good friends with Brett Cane, an active member of Crosstalk Ministries. Long story short, he was hosting a Day Camp in Winnipeg and suggested I volunteer. I loved the program and the people so much that I continued helping out until I was old enough to apply to be on team, which brings me to the next exciting step in my journey.While applying to be on team, I never once thought about the fears of being away from home, the responsibility of taking care of myself, or anything else. I was just so eager to be a part of this phenomenal ministry! It was only once I officially waved goodbye to my family that all these things started to sink in. After all, I had never been away from my family or friends for this long. There was a moment when I was boarding the plane that I began to doubt my decision. I wondered if everyone would like me, if I would be confident enough in myself to lead a group of children, and most importantly, if my faith my strong enough. I am happy to say that all these fears, and all others went away as soon as I stepped off the plane. I was happily greeted by a CTM representative, and made to feel right at home. I have nothing but positive things to say about my experiences as a travelling team member. From the amazing people I have met, whether that be the CTM committee, fellow team members, clergy or campers, all the way to the billets, who made me feel right at home. Everyone I came in contact with made me feel like I was family, and it truly blessed my heart, especially as a 15 year old who was very nervous in new situations.The friends that I have made while part of travelling team have become some of my closest. Back home, I find it very difficult to share my faith, as there are many temptations around me. It also causes many troubles in terms of finding time to pray. That is not the case when I come to Montreal, as I can be as open as I want to be, and pray and worship with faithfulness as well as confidence. I cannot express my gratefulness enough for the people that are a part of Crosstalk Ministries. They have shaped me into the person I am today, and I consider this ministry to be absolutely humungous in the lives of not just myself, but many other members, as well as children who have found God through through Day Camps.Senior Camp is another massive connection I have established through Crosstalk Ministries. It is a great way to end off a summer’s worth of ministry, and unwind a bit. Each year I go, (4 years now) I seem to find a new aspect of my faith to deepen and grow, and I am so grateful for that.I have learned so many things about myself through Day Camps. The experience has shown shown me to have confidence in myself and in my faith. If I was to look back 4 years ago to when I started, I don’t think I could have ever imagined how much growth I would experience. I am now an active member of my youth group, and participate in many forms of outreach that I would have never though possible. I credit all of that to Crosstalk, and being able to challenge and enjoy myself through Day Camps.