Crafts Day

The Flock “Supervising” the Team Supplies

With the Team Supply Inventory completed by Emma,myself  and  “The Flock”on Friday, yesterday we turned our attention to “Crafts Day” .

       The idea for this sprang from more than one quarter as Team Members and local Parish helpers have both commented that to see some of the Crafts prior to the Day Camp would be a really big help in understanding the instructions, thus Crafts Day.
    5 of us gathered in my dining room yesterday afternoon and spent 3 hours producing samples from both the Creative Connection and Scrambler Afternoon Program Chapters of the Program Manual.
      Janice made some great Jesse Tree ornaments and Jillian painted a Clergy Stole with symbols from the O Antiphons. Angela produced a nifty “Hearthstring” and some finger puppets, Alana made both paper plate and stand-up Angels and I got to make a sewing card.
       Food bribery was in evidence as we munched on giant oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and drank lemon infusion. 
     It was great to fellowship with some of the Team Members and to work with Alana, a longtime member of the Committee who is currently teaching elementary school in Mistissini.
        TOMORROW the Manual is to be sent out to all the Churches in pdf format. Here is a sneak peak at the cover design created for us by Josiah. We all LOVE it!
“One of Us”

           We are slowly creeping up to 10 Team members (still need 8 more!!) and prayers are needed especially for 3 more of Leadership Age ( 18+) to step forward.

The Church Schedule still has some unfortunate logistical gaps and we need to make a  real effort to fill them up in the next few weeks.
        Monday,the 14th, is our next committee meeting so I am hoping for much progress between now and then.
This morning, at Church, we watched a You Tube clip from theVisual Bible. Chapter 20 of the Acts of the Apostles. Apart from getting used to some pretty heavy American accents and some rather kitchy background “mood” music, it was good to see the Text “come alive” in a different format.
We talked about living our faith “in the moment”. I certainly do try to do that each day so it was good to hear how others are also trying to walk the same path.
  Tomorrow I’m battening down the hatches for the arrival of my Godson(William), his new baby brother and their parents, as we gather for a Crosstalk Ministries meeting on Camp Policy. They will be staying the night so I have been busy setting up a bedroom for them and inflating an air mattress for William.
    I am still totally overwhelmed with my construction zone house.The first round of work is done but I can foresee at least 2 more major upheavals and am not yet sure if they are now on hold until the fall or if I need to face more before the summer, I fervently hope not!!
Chubby Chirps

This past  week I finished the baby sweater for Pippa and today, at church, gave the “Chubby Chirps” to Sarah, so I really think I might start another one of my Ballet-type sweaters for myself before launching into Christmas present knitting. After all, if we are going to be talking about “Christmas in July” at Day Camps, I can get a head start on Christmas 2012!

Pullover for Pippa’s Baby

For lunch tomorrow I’m making a batch of Orange Hummus. It makes a pleasant change from regular hummus and is delish in pita with some sliced cucumber and tomato!

Orange Hummus
  • 1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 1/2 tsp each-ground cumin,coriander,ginger,dry mustard,turmeric, paprika
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 2 Tbsps. Tahin
  • i1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 Tbsps. cider vinegar
  • 1 large clove minced garlic
  • 1/2 tsp. soy sauce
  • cayenne to taste.
Combine everything in the bowl of a food processor and puree until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and cover tightly. Chill before serving.

1 thought on “Crafts Day

  1. It was a joy to be a part of the Craft Day. Thank-you, Valerie, for the wonderful "food bribery". It was delicious. The orange hummus looks very yummy.

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