Seren’s Doll |
I had intended to get this post done yesterday but got bogged down with various projects and an urgent compulsion to finish knitting a pair of legwarmers which are a Birthday gift for a friend whose birthday is tomorrow! I should have got them done last week but I have been knitting a quite complex doll for Seren‘s Birthday. Seren turned 3 on Saturday and her name means “Star” in Erse (her Daddy is Irish) so it was very important for me to give her her gift when her family picked me up to drive me to church yesterday.
Fellowship |
Despite 6 people bailing out over the past week, we had a really good Team Gathering. It was a smallish group but the fellowship and food were both excellent and then we had a super time of Worship.
Food! |
I had been unable to pin down a Speaker so we decided to ask each person to reflect on some aspect of this Christmas Season which had impacted in a significant way on their Faith.
We opened with a bunch of appropriate Carols and praise songs, (thanks for the music ,Josiah) and then had the Scripture reading from Matthew 2 on the coming of the Magi.
Each person was then given some coloured pencils, a sheet of paper, a small paper bag and a wrapped candy and asked to jot down a few notes (or make a sketch) about their story , after which they were to put the paper and candy in the bag and write their initials on the outside.
We then went around the circle and each person told their story. No one was required to speak if they did not want to but, I think just because it was a more “intimate” gathering, everyone did take a turn and some really thoughtful and faith-strengthening stories were told.
I told about my Christmas Tree (see an earlier Blogpost) and others told stories about their families or about incidents that had impacted on them over the past weeks.
Epiphany signals the arrival of the first people from other lands who came and found Jesus and then took the Good News out into the world. At this Season we are, especially, called to do the same. I hope these different stories will encourage us to continue reaching out and sharing the Good News in the days to come.
Since, for us, in Canada, those days tend to be pretty chilly, I’m going to include, (by unanimous request!), the recipe for Hot Lemonade, which I made for the Gathering . It makes a big batch and is great to keep on hand in the fridge for heating up at any time of the day, or night!
Hot Lemonade
- 10 cups water
- 1 cup lemon juice
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- 1 1/2 cups orange juice
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves
- lemon slices (optional)
Place all ingredients in a large slow cooker and bring to a simmer. If desired, garnish each serving with lemon slice. Makes approx. 16 servings.