That looks like a very dry title, indeed! But our meeting was last evening, so I wanted to report on all our current plans!
Our Street! |
We were not a big group as the weather is fairly ghastly now and one of our members is on a Choir tour while another has gone to the Gaspé coast on a student exchange to the CEGEP there. so there were just 5 of us but we had a productive meeting and enjoyed a cozy dinner by the fire (more about food later)
The TONNE of Snow! |
We have had a TONNE of snow in Montreal and it looks like this outside ,which is why I lit a fire because it does cheer things in Winter.
Josiah opened the meeting with devotions from Corinthians.
We discussed how this passage is a helpful reminder to us as we look at building well balanced Teams. I also mentioned that we, as a committee need to follow the same principles as we look at our training of the Teams and as we bring our own gifts in preparing all the many aspects of the special Training Retreat week.
“One of Us”-my Kenyan Creche |
We have 4 or 5 potential Team members, 2 of whom are likely prospects for Team Leaders, although both are quite young.And we have 8 or 9 prospective host churches.
I sent out my second badgering round last week and sadly heard from 2 churches who do not want us in 2012, but still have not heard from any more who do. However it is early days yet and LOTS of people are praying for us, which is heartening.
The Program Manual is slowly taking shape with 2 Chapters already submitted and several others promised.
I’m hoping that Brenda is working on the Music as I have suggested that she and Randy might be able to record our song CD during Spring break. This would be super.
We also looked at possible times to record the liturgical dance DVD and, regretfully, decided that the spring season is already too jam-packed to fit in another Coffee House.
However, Josiah thinks there might be an alternative plan for a Spring Fundraiser (More on this SOON!!!)
I told the Committee that there is a rumour we might soon be having a guest Blogpost from LAMB!!
As I mentioned before, 2 of our Team members have recently returned from the BAAHamas… so watch this space for news of Lamb’s Winter activities!
I have also received a copy of the 2011 Team Slideshow. it is in something called “Dropbox” and I’m not sure I will be able to get it onto the Blog, but I’ll give it a try!
As always, I come away from our meetings uplifted by the knowledge that here is a dedicated group of people with a common purpose of serving the Lord through this ministry and with a common desire to make Day Camps better every year! Full of new ideas, exciting for Campers, Teams, and Church hosts.
” Helping People of All Ages Become Strong Disciples of Jesus Christ”!
And now for our weekly recipe……
Last night, for dessert, we had a plain Angelfood cake topped with Maple Mousse. The Mousse is an Amish recipe. It is very good and can easily be doubled if you are serving a big crowd!
Maple Mousse
Serves 4-6
- 1 Tbsp. unflavoured gelatine
- 2 eggs, separated
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 1 cup whipping cream
- 2 Tbsps. sugar
Dissolve gelatine in 2 Tbsps. cold water. Beat egg yolks until light then gradually beat in maple syrup.
Place mixture in a heavy saucepan. Stir in dissolved gelatine and cook over med. heat just until it bubbles up in the center. set side to cool. Watch carefully as it sets quickly! Meanwhile beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, until soft peaks form ,then beat in sugar until stiff and glossy. In a large bowl, beat cream until stiff. gently fold egg whites into partially set maple mixture then fold into large bowl of cream.
Transfer to individual dessert glasses or a large glass bowl and chill for several hours, before serving.