Well last night we had our 5th annual Day Camps Coffee House, fundraiser.

This was the first year holding it at Isaiah 40 and the space really worked well. We had decided to go with a real Coffee House atmosphere and the overall effect was very funky.
We strung little white lights from the archways, and placed votive candles on tables and window sills
Jill lent us a bunch of her lovely quilts which we spread out on the floor for groups of people to sit on.
There were a few grumblers who were not too keen on taking their shoes off at the door but Alexander makes a great “bouncer” and he was able to jolly them along.!!
The refreshments were abundant!! Lots of homemade cookies and squares and I had made a choice of 3 drinks:-Moccachino, Spiced hot Apple Cider and Chai.
Rod lent us some fabulous thermoses which have pouring spouts and were prefect for people to just go over and help themselves throughout the evening.
The Arts Festival part worked well too. Amanda’s pottery display was gorgeous, Noemie brought lovely greeting cards and earrings and Jillian had a table of photos.
Then, of course these were the actual performers!. We had several guitarists, an a cappella trio, classical piano, and violin. Randy acted as MC and kept the evening running along smoothly, and AJ’s sound system lent a most professional air to the proceedings!
Of course it would have been great to have had a larger turnout, there were 25 of us, all together, but it was a truly special evening and everyone who came had a good time. We are truly privileged to be able to gather for Christian Fellowship in such a warm and safe environment. How easily we take for granted the freedom we have in Canada ,not thinking of our brothers and sisters in many other countries who do not share our freedom.
Jillian took photos and Samantha made a video. I hope to add them to this post later in the week, so make sure to watch for them, then you can be annoyed with yourself for not coming!!
My baking contribution was cookies called “Tempters”, do try making a batch, they live up to their name!!
- 1/2 cup butter or margarine
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1 egg, beaten
- 2 Tbsps. milk
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 1 3/4 cups flour
- 2 1/2 tsps. Baking powder
- 1/2 tsps. salt
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
- 1 cup shredded coconut
Cream margarine, blend in sugar; beat in egg, vanilla and milk.Mix dry ingredients and add to mixture. Fold in chocolate chips and coconut. Drop by tsps. into greased cookie sheets. Press flat with a wet fork.
Bake at 350 degrees until golden–about 12mins.