Prayer & Share

               As the week draws to a close, I realised, this afternoon, that NEXT Saturday I will be at the Day Camps Coffee House!!! I guess you can expect a late post next week!!! But today I wanted to start off with a report on our Prayer & Share Brochure meeting, which we had last Monday.

It was great to get the 4 of us together in one place (especially since Anna lives in Toronto) and we had a really good session going over the newly revised brochure and the other documents which will be available in one package for Team Members to access right here on the Blog. Jessica has also volunteered to reorganise all the documents on the side bar so that they are easier to locate and download. I am only too grateful for help from those with higher “techie” expertise!
The hope is that, once a Team Member has been accepted, he or she can download and print off copies of the Prayer and Share package if they want to glean extra Prayer and/or Financial support from their home congregation, family and friends.
        Some prospective applicants really do need financial aid to pay for school books or to help with tuition and are otherwise unable to serve as volunteers for this short-term mission. It is often hard for young people get up the courage to approach adults and to ask for assistance so it is hoped that this newly refurbished resource will be a good tool for helping them along the way.
Anna and her son Nathanael (age 2) also came and had a lunch visit with me on Wednesday. Nathanael has an amazing vocabulary andthanked me for the “good lunch” upon their departure!!!!
      As of last evening I’ve completed the full draft of the Synod Minutes ( 13 pages!!!!) and sent them off to the Clerical Secretary so she can make further additions and corrections, as needed.
     The leaves are falling thick and fast and one of my three Maple trees is already nearly bare. With the dire predictions of a major storm approaching I fear this week may see the last of all the leaves. I’ve been raking for at least an hour every day and, to date, have filled 14 giant paper leaf bags.
I’m really excited that my Fall quilt is nearly done. I have been tying it this week and probably need one more”tying” session before the final step of trimming and binding the edges. I had hoped to have it done in time for the Coffee House but I’m not sure I’ll meet that deadline. It is really more important that I finish sewing the 8 button bracelets, I’m planning on selling to add to the proceeds of the event!
      For this week’s recipe I thought I would offer the Kedgeree  which was served at Monday’s Brunch, and tomorrow I’ll finish off with a “Sunday Coda” as my Boarder, Scott, is preaching at St. Stephen’s in the morning so I shall be reporting on his Sermon!!

Asian-Style Kedgeree

  • 1 cup basmati rice
  • 2 Tbsp margarine
  • 1Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 Kefir Lime Leaves
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp each, cumin and turmeric
  • 1 large, or 2 small trout filets
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • ½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp Asian Fish Sauce
  • Lime wedges, for serving
  • Place the trout filets in a stove-top casserole along with 2 ½ cups water and lime leaves. Poach gently for approx 10 mins, or until fish is opaque. Remove fish to a plate and save liquid in a jug. When fish is cool, remove skin and separate into chunks. Wash out the casserole and replace on medium heat. Melt marg. and oil, then add onion and sauté until translucent. Add spices and rice and cook for a few minutes until rice is coated and spices are fragrant. Add reserved cooking liquid and Fish Sauce, stir well. Cover, bring to a boil then turn heat very low and cook for 15-20 minutes or until liquid is absorbed and rice is fully cooked. Remove lid and gently fold in fish, eggs and cilantro. Season with lime juice. Serve directly from casserole, garnished with lime wedges. Serves 4.
Sunday Coda…..              
       Well Scott did a good job of preaching from James4:11-5:11. His Sermon was pretty long but I glanced around and saw many people leaning forward with interested expressions on their faces so I do not think they minded an extra-long talk!        
        We also had the dedication of baby Emma Jane, which was special and  very prayerful. I do not always enjoy the music as much on the Sundays when we have more “traditional ” Hymns as, sometimes, the choice is rather lugubrious, but today they were most uplifting and I always love “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven”.    Once again, I walked home from church and really enjoyed going over the sermon and hymns as I hurried along!      
      I’ve managed to complete the cooking of a three course dinner for 8 which I had been asked to prepare at the last minute as a Birthday Dinner for the son of a dear friend for whom I often do catering. I finished decorating the chocolate fudge layer cake  just a little while before her husband arrived to pick up the meal. Whew!            
      A busy day, full of many contrasts and food both for the body and soul!   
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