Hello Blog Friends!
Another full week has passed, as we journey through Advent. The first Sunday of the Alumni Advent program went well. It was really special. There were 8 of us, including the 10 year-old daughter of an alumnus from the early 2000’s who lives in Mississippi, and 2 alumnae from the UK. Michelle Holloway (my dear friend who now lives in Exeter UK) led the reflection. She reflected on how we can “rest” during what appears to be the hectic pre-Christmas frenzy of Advent, because we, as Christians, have the Holy Spirit to rest in at all times. The reflection really resonated with me.
Tomorrow an alumnus who was on the Day Camp Teams in the 1980’s and who I have known since we were both children at St. Matthew’s Church, will be our leader. In each of the four sessions we are exploring passages that make up the liturgy of the Jesse Tree and, while pondering a few reflection questions, also have the option of crafting an ornament for our own Jesse Trees. I was trying to decide where to place mine as Thomason thinks that tree branches are chew toys so instead I drew a tree outline on the kitchen broom cupboard, using white chalk, and am adding an ornament each day in Advent, it is working quite well!
Wednesday morning I published a wrap-up post all about the recent Cook-Along series and that evening we held our monthly committee meeting. It was super to catch up with everyone and share updates and news around all things “Day Camps”.
All week, much of my office time has been devoted to the Advent Program, as well as Carols & Cocoa, happening this afternoon in just a couple of hours, EEK! As always, the promised video recordings have been VERY late arriving, but, as of Thursday, we had enough content to fill the hour-long time slot and all together over 30 people have either, contributed content, requested the ZOOM link to the live event or opted to receive the video recording, now we just wait on the countdown to starting time!
Thursday we also received the good news that a potential Day Camp for next summer will be going ahead in a small town in the Eastern Townships situated about 90 minutes from Montreal. Obviously planning is in the early stages but at least we know have a date pencilled in. Early in January we will set up a group chat to work out more details. That day we also had the first snowfall of the season and so I was out early in the morning to shovel the paths, deck and driveway, which will, sadly, be the new over the coming months. Sigh.
Yesterday, after wrapping up the workweek (ha, ha) I welcomed the young Theological student, whom I mentor, to an Advent High Tea. We had not connected, in person, since the early autumn so it was good to catch up. His studies have been side tracked as he is still working on gaining permanent residency status (he is an American) and until that is sorted out, would have to pay exorbitant university tuition, as a foreign student, under Québec law.
There has been very little time for crafting but, at least, nearly all my Christmas gifts have already been made. I did block the Sock Monkey hat and am please with it and another afternoon sewed a Christmas apron for a toddler. As the print has little hedgehogs on it, I’ve also knitted a tiny one to slip in the pocket.
This morning I have been hurrying to get the bake done, wrap Christmas gifts, roll more taper for the Advent wreath and get ready to be sitting down in front of this laptop in time for Carols & Cocoa so we had better get this post published!
This week I had a large pineapple in my fruit box and so decided to make this tasty winter dessert. It is super simple and has a “Christmassy” vibe.
Caramelised Pineapple
- 1 pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into small chunks
- ½ vanilla bean
- 3 Tbsps. Brown Sugar
- 2 Tbsps. unsalted butter
Melt the butter in a cast iron skillet over low heat. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the pineapple chunks and stir to coat with the butter and sugar, spreading them out in a single layer. Split the vanilla bean and tuck the pieces between the chunks of pineapple. Turn the heat up to medium and sauté, stirring frequently (to avoid burning) for 15 minutes, or until the pineapple has caramelised and is tender. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream, yoghurt, or a swirl of heavy cream, YUM! Serves 4.