Pentecost 14

Hello Blog Friends!

Last Sunday afternoon I was peacefully settling down to watch the Service of Evensong from Canterbury Cathedral,UK, when a text “binged” on my cell.

It was DC committee member Mikaela, who was serving as the local team leader for the First Filipino Baptist Church (FFBCM) Day Camp, they were in the midst of setting up for Monday and were having a PowerPoint crisis!

 I must say I felt quite nostalgic as I endeavoured to deal with the problem 😊, Of course it was not a TRAVELLING TEAM leader who called in but close enough, as Mikaela has been a Travelling Team leader several times in past years.

Over the ensuing twenty minutes or so text messages, voicemails and emails flew back and forth and, after finally tracking down, via another committee member, a copy the correct file all was well and I was able to return to watching Evensong, feeling relieved that things were back on track as well as secretly missing the series of Sunday afternoon interruptions that used to pepper my weekends when Teams were out on the road across Canada 😊.

Every weekday, Mikaela has reported in, usually sending a few photos along with a short synopsis of their day. Wednesday, Water Day was postponed due to heavy rain and as most of the week the weather was also exceptionally cool, they had to adapt the Special Event and play the appointed games on yesterday, minus the actual bathing suits and water!

Watch for the FFBCM photos and those from several of this summer’s Day Camps, in a special Wednesday Words post, this coming week 😊.

Other days, my office time has included work towards the upcoming Harvest Thanksgiving Team Gathering, the Christmas Cooking Cook-along series and even the Alumni Advent Study program with a soupçon of Financial Campaign planning as a reality check 😊.

This weekend is once again time for “The Changing of the Decorations”. Yesterday I did a bit of prep work on this big task and much of today and tomorrow the work will continue, in earnest. The hope is to have, by Monday, everything ship shape for Pentecost/Autumn.

Wednesday morning I was able to have my visit with Jill, postponed from last week. As a former committee member, she was interested to hear how Day Camps is going and I was able to catch up on how her 4 youngsters are  doing as well as on her career as a high school teacher. That evening was my monthly visit and supper with Jessica and we watched the second-to-last episode of Hometown Cha Cha Cha.

I had been supposed to meet early Thursday with Josiah, who currently lives, with his young family, in Windsor, Ontario. He is a curate at a church there and recently hosted a Day Camp. He and his family are in town visiting his parents and he was scheduled to pick up a set of Day Camp  banners. Unfortunately I had to deal with a nasty incident with Thomason and a large bone he found on our morning walk so, although Josiah and 2 year old Agatha did pop by for a few minutes to get the banners it just wasn’t working to have a proper visit. I do hope they are all back in Montreal soon, although their third child is expected this coming winter.

Not must time for handwork this week but progress does continue on fingerless gloves 😊.

As today is extremely full with all my usual Saturday chores plus work on the decorations, it will be best to close off here with a recipe.

When Jessica joined me for dinner we enjoyed a variation on Korean Chicken Tacos. Hope you will give them a try 😊.

Korean Chicken Tacos

  • 2 chicken legs, skinned and boned
  • 2 Tbsps. chile crisp
  • 1 Tbsp.. sesame oil
  • 2 Tbsps. rice vinegar 
  • 2 tsps. sugar
  • 2 Tbsps. Tamari
  • 1 Tbsp. sugar
  • ½ Tbsp. sesame oil
  • 1 tsp. chilli flakes
  • 6 leaves Romaine lettuce, shredded
  • ½ cup shredded red cabbage
  • ½ a red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • 6 large flour tortillas
  • ¼ cup Cheddar, shredded
  • hot sauce

Mix together the chile crisp, sesame oil, rice vinegar & sugar. Place the chicken in a container with a tight fitting lid, pour the marinade over it, cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Combine the Tamari, sugar, sesame oil and chilli flakes in a small jar and place the lettuce, cabbage, onion and green onions in a serving bowl. Place the cheese and hot sauce in small serving bowls. When ready to eat, sauté the chicken pieces until cooked through and cut into bite-sized pieces, transfer to a serving dish. Warm the tortillas, toss the dressing with the salad. Allow diners to build their tacos with a mixture of all the filling ingredients. Serves 2-3. 

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