Hello Blog Friends!
The Easter season has drawn to an end and with Ascension Day happening this past Thursday we enter the octave of Ascensiontide ending with Pentecost Sunday, May 28th. After that festival we head into the long season of “Ordinary Time” lasting until Advent. Thankfully there are lesser feasts, such as Harvest Festival, to break up the monotony 😊.
The good news on the Day Camps front is that we finally received the actual application form from the 7thcommunity on our list and so are now assured that they will not be changing their minds 😊. As has been reported in several recent posts, we are still actively “on the hunt” for more host locations although there is nothing new to be reported. Of course one priest to whom I sent an email suggested that her church might be interested “next year”, I must have heard that comment at least a thousand times over my years as Day Camp Director and sadly it rarely bears fruit but I have dutifully set up a “2024” list and noted the name of that church on it 😊.
Happily, this week also saw the acquisition of a Speaker for the planned summer Team Gathering. It is always tricky to find the right person who is also available on the right day! I had tried a couple of people whose schedules did not match the date we had chosen but I am very pleased that my dear friend (and very committed Day Camp Chicken), Jessica, has accepted the invitation. So I have now added her name to the promo flier and have started posting it on Social Media and sending out texts and emails to other members of the “flock”.
In other office-type work, the template for the next issue of Networks has been finalised and Guylaine is currently doing a proofread before it is circulated to the subscribers. There was a bit of a kerfuffle around the date of the next CTM Board meeting as we normally meet on the third Sunday of the month and I had circulated the agenda with May 21st as the meeting date when 2 members emailed to say they thought we would be meeting on the 28th because this is a holiday weekend (Victoria Day in Canada). Looking back in the minutes I discovered they were correct and we had made that decision last November. Actually I was quite pleased as it gives me more time for the “Changing of the Decorations”, happening today, tomorrow and Monday. However there will be little time today to get much done as, this morning I have been occupied in mowing the lawns and at 2pm will be glued to this screen to watch the livestream of Christopher and Fabienne’s wedding. In preparation for this full day, I did my baking late yesterday afternoon, so at least that is checked of the “to-do” list.
As far as crafting goes, this week most of my planned sewing projects were derailed since I decided to forge ahead and complete the garments for my acqaintance (mentioned in the previous post) as it turned out she will soon be having surgery. I did manage to finally glue the pinbacks on the “bird brooches” and am pleased with the finished products. Slow progress also continues on the first sleeve of my autumn pullover 😊.
Victoria Day weekend unofficially marks the beginning of summer across Canada. Many people open their summer cottages and anyone who has a garden knows that this is the weekend by which time it is safe to plant as the chances of killing frost are over. A friend gave me a couple of tiny pepper plants, so this morning I dutifully planted them along with my dahlia tubers, which I overwintered for the first time. This afternoon I shall be setting aside all of my work on the Pentecost/Summer decorations as I sit down at 2pm to watch the wedding.
Which reminds me that I still need to fit in a quick lunch and along walk with Mr. T. so we had better move on to our recipe.Last evening, since I had the oven on for the baking, I decided to make an old favourite, Tuna Buns. These were a standby in our house when I was growing up and the original recipe is in Mum’s handwritten book of recipes. I think I may have published it before, in the early days of the blog, but here it is again, it is certainly worth repeating (and eating 😊)
Tuna Buns

- 2 tins safe catch tuna
- 2 hardboiled eggs, diced
- 3 green onions, chopped
- 10 green olives, chopped
- ¼ cup mayonnaise (preferably homemade)
- 6 hamburger (or hotdog) buns (mine were homemade using this bread dough)150 grams cheddar, cubed
Flake the tuna into a bowl and mix well. Spread a generous amount of filling in each bun and wrap individually in parchment paper. Place in a shallow ovenproof dish and bake at 350º for 30 minutes. Yum 😊.