Crafts Day!!

Hello Everyone, As promised this is a special post in which we are showcasing the 2017 Day Camp Crafts The samples fall into three categories- Scrambler Devotions, Scrambler Afternoon Program (SAP) and Creative Connection.

Here are the photos, with explanatory captions. We hope they will help you as you collect supplies and generally prepare for  the “On Fire!” Program. There were two crafts for which we had not yet collect supplies- Sand Candles and Juice Can Stilts, I’ll be adding those photos over the next couple of weeks!

First a few photos of the crafter crew…

Scrambler Morning Devotions Activities
Scrambler Morning Devotions and SAP
SAP- Making Faces, and Party Hat
Scrambler  Devotions Day 3 -Story Board and SAP Day 2- The Beautiful Gate
SAP- Potato Printing, Tangrams, Letter Shapes
SAP- Day 3 Milk Carton Boats
SAP Day 5 – Suitcase Collage
Creative Connection-Windsock
Creative Connection- Shekere, Rain Stick, Friendship Bracelets
Creative Connection- Friendship Bracelets
SAP- Paper Chains
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