Wednesday Words-Jenna and Devan

Hello Everyone! Time for a new instalment in the Wednesday Words series. Today we have a double feature for you -posts written by two recent Day Campers. We hope you enjoy reading about their experiences.
Welcome Jenna and Devan 😊

Hii!!! My name is Jenna Madrid and I am currently twelve. I have been attending day camps for as long as I can remember. I attend Living Water International Fellowship but every summer my siblings and I attend day camps at First Filipino Baptist Church of Montreal.

       Day Camps always makes me excited. It’s a week which I look forward to after the end of the semester. My family and I would always depart with many songs learnt that we know would be sung all year long. Day Camps is one of the many ways I have come to learn more about God as well as the many lessons which have helped me along my path. I meet new people every year because of Day Camps! The games that have been played through out the years are indelible.
       Crosstalk has organised Day Camps for children to come to know the Lord. Every morning of the week we start with a little bit of exercise. We would then proceed with singing songs! The songs that have been introduced to us are silly and joyful. Devotions is a time where the campers would separate and get into groups. We would talk about the theme of the day and the story that we have read in the bible. We would also be able to make prayer journals which holds our memory verses as well as our thoughts of the lesson that we’ve learnt. There is also a time of the day where we would once again get separated into groups and do many creative activities such as dancing, doing arts and crafts…This year in Creative Connections we were taught a play about the story of the week! The special event is always a mystery to the campers. Through out the years, I have played many games such as the traditions like;Bible Smugglers, Inspector Clueless… We would also have the opportunity to have WATER DAY, it is a day of the week where the campers and leaders are to head outside where there are games waiting to be played with water. There are  many things that we are capable of doing during Day Camps which will never cease to make me smile.
       Being a camper and leader means you would be able to meet new people.I have met many new people which has brought me great joy. Day Camps is a time for everyone to get to know the Lord and have fun! Many of the people that I have met are from many other places. I remember we had this one leader who had a British accent. I always look to forward to being reunited with FFBCM and acquainted with new people.
        I always remember that one year when my older sister taught the oldest group of campers known as Pathfinders, she would always be excited to teach and have many ways of sharing her excitement for Day Camps as well as the story of the day which makes me proud. Day Camps is a week where I would always be able to laugh and have fun. At the end of devotions they would do this thing called “Jesus our Special Friend”  where we make Jesus our Special Friend which I honestly never thought was something done, I simply thought it was something that is assumed. I am very far away from having a stable relationship with God but Day Camps always bring me closer and always reminds me that God is always there.  
      Day Camps has given me many opportunities. I have been given the chance to meet new people. It brings me great joy to see many children get to know Christ in such a positive environment where I have also gotten to know Christ. My family and I always have hilarious memories that we always bring up and I know that it is all thanks to God that we have been graced with such a blessing.

And here’s Devan!!…..
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