Many thanks to those of you who have commented on the new blog format. I’m hoping to improve the banner photo placement in the near future as I’ve invited a computer guru to visit next week, we’ll see if she can help 😊
Business is looking up in the Day Camp world. Several communities have contacted the office about bookings and slowly the schedule is beginning to be filled in. Over the next week couple of weeks another round of messages will go out to host locations, reminding them to send in forms ASAP since it is SO difficult to put together a plan for each Team until we have some idea which
areas of the country we will be visiting this summer!
Meanwhile I’m moving ahead with all the Day Camp related things that are in my control- like menus for the Training Retreat Week & Supply Lists for Teams and host Communities (not finished yet because the Scrambler content for the Program Manual has not yet been submitted, Sigh 😔). Ideas for Team medallions (or crosses) are also floating around in my head, but nothing has really come together yet.

We also now have a FINAL version of the 2017 Logo, YAY!! And Jillian is busy creating a promotional bookmark for handing out at publicity visits to churches and youth groups.
Yesterday the CTM Communications director came over to transfer my phone from a rather elderly Android to an iPhone, which was given to me several months ago by a generous friend. I still haven’t figured out exactly how to send a text message but I’m sure some helpful teenager can instruct me on Sunday evening when we meet for Crossroads! This is shaping up to be a busy CTM weekend-today I’m baking refreshments for the Board meeting, taking place tomorrow afternoon and also making a cake for dessert at the Day Camp Committee Meeting coming up on Monday. In between, as mentioned, there is also Crossroads on Sunday evening, very busy, but a good kind of busy!
Afternoons have been filled with lots of small projects like mending jobs for a couple of friends, some beading of a necklace and bracelet (the kit was a recent gift) and very enjoyable knitting on a wool and silk cowl I’m making for a good friend’s February birthday. I even was asked to paint a watercolour of a figurine belonging to the granddaughter of a friend. Quite a varied week!
Well before I start mixing various doughs and batters it is time for a new recipe! On a recent evening I made a pot of Thai Chicken Soup, good winter fare. Enjoy!
Thai Chicken Soup

- 1 boneless chicken breast
- 1 onion, thinly sliced
- 2 cloves minced garlic
- 1 red pepper, chopped
- 1 tsp. olive oil
- ½ tsp. each dried chillies and ground
ginger - 1 tin coconut milk
- 1 litre chicken broth
- ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro
- 2 Tbsps. Thai Fish Sauce
- 1 fresh lime
- 8oz. Udon or Rice Stick Noodles, cooked
In a large pot, sauté the onion, garlic, red pepper, chillies and ginger in the oil, just until softened, add the chicken stock and coconut milk and bring to a simmer. Cut the chicken into bite-sized cubes and add to the pot. Cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes. Add the fish sauce and lime juice. Remove from the heat and garnish with cilantro. Place a helping of cooked noodles in each bowl and fill with soup. Serves 4