I’m getting a head start today because I know it will be a bit zooy around here later on as I set up for the Epiphany Team Gathering happening this evening.
Actually the whole week has been pretty manic with a number of (very welcome!) visitors followed by several chaotic days of “Changing the Decorations”. Interspersed with all of these activities has been an exciting trickle of interest from Churches hoping to book a 2017 Day Camp. WOOT WOOT!!! Thus, every time mail comes in on the subject I’ve been hopping to it and answering straight away. We now have 4 Day Camps booked, enquiries from 2 churches in Calgary, one in Ontario, and one from a church in Montreal who did not host a camp last summer but is anxious to get on board for this year. YAY!! I shall have some good news to share with the Team Members!
Steven Craig will be our Speaker and Jillian is organising the Worship Music so as long as I produce a large crockpot of cocoa, put out a bunch of boot trays, lay a fire in the fireplace and generally batten down the hatches, I think we are good to go!
Watch for an extra post tomorrow as I’m hoping to publish a bunch of photos after the Gathering.
Other than all of the above, there has been very little time for much else this week, except, of course, for the almost daily stint of shovelling. I’m sure those who ski are ecstatic but snow in the city just means a ton of hard work for everyone and treacherous sidewalks that make dog-walking quite the challenge!
It has been really good to host a couple of Day Camps families and their “littles” to morning coffee and to share some afternoon visits with several good friends, as it means there hasn’t been a ton of time to dwell on the closing of St. Stephen’s. Pippa and I still need to face the final clearing out of the children’s ministry supply cupboard and the under-fives room, we hope to accomplish the task one evening next week. That will be our last task and after that we must move on. Every so often I
find myself feeling totally bereft as I realise that I have no children’s activities to plan for Sunday nor do I have to consider what I should pack for lunch or what to wear to church. Sigh! It sure is hard to be “churchless” all over again.
find myself feeling totally bereft as I realise that I have no children’s activities to plan for Sunday nor do I have to consider what I should pack for lunch or what to wear to church. Sigh! It sure is hard to be “churchless” all over again.
Well before I descend into gloom, I had better get that crockpot fired up and since Steven is joining me for an early supper prior to the Team Gathering I need to prepare a casserole of Haloumi Bake, the quintessential Winter “comfort food” dish! Although we are going to have all sorts of snacks during the evening, I still thought I should make a batch of my Nana’s “porcupines” for dessert.
Since the recipe can be found here, I’m not including a fresh recipe today😊
PS- I’ve been doing some reformatting here on the Blog and would really appreciate some feedback, so please leave a comment below. I will be sure to read it!
PS- I’ve been doing some reformatting here on the Blog and would really appreciate some feedback, so please leave a comment below. I will be sure to read it!