Thus the rest of the week has been spent in a combination of joy in accessing files and frustration trying to add apps and tweak various customised settings, all of which had vanished.
Tuesday afternoon it was fantastic to cycle down to Diocesan Council and to take the meeting minutes on a properly functioning keyboard. The following morning I remained nose to the grindstone typing up minutes and a wealth of documents that had been languishing as handwritten notes over the past month. The 2017 Application Forms have been sent to Wentworth for posting on the website (and this Blog), Program Manual Chapters distributed to their various editors, agendas circulated for several upcoming meetings and a vast amount of items ticked off the long “to-do” list which had been growing daily since the computer crashed. On this sunny Saturday I can breath a small sigh of relief, feeling that at least some, if not all, of my list has been taken care of. So I’m concentrating on final details of tomorrow’s All Ages Harvest Thanksgiving Gathering, making a large pot of Minestrone for the Day Camp committee dinner on Monday, baking gluten-free baguettes for a friend and caramel popcorn for tomorrow evening’s Crossroads refreshments. Of course the season of RAKING is now also upon us so an hour or so this morning was devoted to that task.

Over the week I managed to squeeze in crafting 12 pairs of “Autumn Fruit” earrings as my contribution to the Fall Coffeehouse crafts table and yesterday afternoon got them all packaged ready for sale. In the field of knitting a simple hat was also completed and a second one in the same pattern has just been cast on the needles. Sadly there has not been time to get on with Christmas sewing but I did manage to alter some Fall dresses, which might help perk up my wardrobe! As the weather turns colder afternoons will no longer be spent crafting on the porch so the plan this coming week is to make some real headway on Christmas sewing projects.

Yesterday afternoon was cold but sunny so Wil and I set out right after lunch for the long walk to my favourite stationary store where we selected two special 2017 wall calendars. We have been purchasing a particular brand of calendar for YEARS and Westmount Stationary is the only place remotely nearby which stocks them so it is important to go soon after they arrive if one wants to choose a certain theme. Happily both designs were in stock, so now the calendars are safely stashed away ready for the New Year (EEK, is it only two months away??)

With the soup now cooling on the counter, I think most of today’s work is nearly done and soon it will be time to turn my attention to dinner. Happily I made Chicken Taco Salad Thursday evening and so tonight will just be a simple assembling of the prepared ingredients, whew! Tomorrow evening will probably be a quick sandwich before dashing to Crossroads so it will be nice to have a special salad this evening.
During the week I did make a super sandwich on a home baked Panini Roll and thought it would make a nice recipe for today’s post…

- 1 tin water-packed organic tuna, drained and flake
- 1 cup fresh arugula leaves
- 2 Tbsps. finely minced onion
- 1 Tbsp. capers, drained
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 4 Tbsps. cream cheese
- 1 Tbsp. fresh dill, chopped
- 3 large Panini rolls